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- 与 produces 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The necessity to shift from one faculty to the other produces in us an illusion of inexplicability.
Women are, in fact, so much degraded by mistaken notions of female excellence, that I do not mean to add a paradox when I assert, that this artificial weakness produces a propensity to tyrannize, and gives birth to cunning, the natural opponent of strength, which leads them to play off those contemptible infantine airs that undermine esteem even whilst they excite desire.
The inflience of geographical enviroment on human behaviours can be londuded as follows:different geographical enviroment various produces different ways of life,but derections of economic behaviour.
Though its original function of regulating the number of produces and needs hasn't changed, because of widely used of high creating information technology and wide using computer knowledge, storehouse management becomes informatively and voluntarily.
The company mainly produces various models of the inner tube products and various wood products!
Generalised this idea by finding the instruction that produces an address which is subsequently used by a load instruction.
When when Ar gas is wrapped by insufflate steel, bubble generates inside steel fluid, ascendant bleb is pounded by fits and break through broken bits layer,; of generation slag blister at the same time, broken bits layer produces wave motion, fluctuant frequency increases as the addition of Ar throughput.
The company mainly produces all kinds of advanced insulation materials Products.
This is because they are controlled by insulin, and your pancreas produces insulin.
According the results, the intercalation of polymer leads to the change of interface structures and produces new properties.
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- 推荐网络例句
All things being equal, I prefer not to be bouncing off the walls.
It's true, the GTR demonstrated that E most definitely doesn't equal MC squared. How else can a car with 1700KG appear to be so lithe and nimble, so fast and manoeuvrable?
还真别不信, GTR带着1700公斤的车重,却有如此灵活敏锐梦幻般的操控表现似乎在跟爱因斯坦争论着E根本不等于MC的平方。
When pulverized coal dust at the MEC was dispersed in an entry, a cap lamp 10-feet within the cloud was not visible to observers standing in front of the dispersed dust.