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与 primary beam 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a whole,the notable characteristic of primary productivity in size-fractioned structure was that nanoplankton occupied comparatively significant advantage in Beibu Gulf.Nanoplankton has the largest contribution to gross primary productivity,and picoplankton was the secondary contributor,while microplankton the least.The contribution of microplankton for primary productivity in the north Gulf was more than that in the other waters.Nanoplankton and picoplankton contribute more to the gross primary productivity in offshore deep waters than in inshore shallow waters3.The Beibu Gulf can be divided into three ecoregions:Region-Ⅰis the ecoregion in inshore shallow waters of the north Gulf.In average,the water depth is 18m,DIN is 1.88μmol/L,DIP is 0.20μmol/L,N:P is 9.4:1,dissolved silicate is 5.17μmol/L,the Chl a conentration in surface layer is 2.27mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index in surface layer is 3.80mg/,the primary productivity is 198.78mgC/(m~2·d), and potential fishery production is estimated to be 0.24gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion is mainly affected by the northern coastal water systems,and may be fit for aquaculture;Region-Ⅱis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the north Gulf and the coastal shallow waters to the west Hainan Island.In average,the water depth is 35m,DIN is 2.01μmol/L,DIP is 0.18μmol/L,N:P is 11.2:1,disovled silicate is 4.23μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 1.45mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer is 4.12 mg/,the primary productivity is 276.60mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.34gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity. The ecoregion was mainly influenced by ocean current from the South China Sea, rivers in the west coast of Hainan Island and the water from Qiongzhou Strait.It may be fit for aquaculture and fishery;Region-Ⅲis the ecoregion in offshore deep waters of the mid and south Gulf.In average,the water depth is 75m,DIN is 0.77μmol/L, DIP is 0.15μmol/L,N:P is 5.1:1,disovled silicate is 3.05μmol/L,the chlorophyll a of surface layer concentration is 0.70mg·m~(-3),the assimilation index of surface layer averaged is 3.69mg/,the primary productivity is 350.89mgC/(m~2·d),and the estimated potential fishery production is 0.43gC/(m~2·a) according to the primary productivity.The ecoregion was mainly affected by the circulation inside Beibu Gulf, and may be fit for fishery.

初级生产力的粒级结构的一个显著特点是总体上微型浮游生物在全调查海区均占较明显优势,对总初级生产力的平均贡献最大;微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献次之;小型浮游生物对总初级生产力的平均贡献最小;湾北部小型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾中部和湾南部,而湾中部和湾南部微型和微微型浮游生物对初级生产力的平均贡献高于湾北部,远岸深水区高于近岸浅水区。3、北部湾可以分为三个生态区:湾北部近岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深19m,DIN浓度平均值为1.88μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.20μmol/L,N:P为9.4:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为5.17μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值高达2.27 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.80 mg/,初级生产力平均值198.78mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.24 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受湾北部沿岸水系影响,适合作为水产养殖区;湾北部深水区和海南岛西部沿岸浅水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深35m,DIN浓度平均值为2.01μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.18μmol/L,N:P为11.2:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为4.23μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值1.45 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为4.12mg/,初级生产力平均值276.60 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.34 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受南部湾口区海流向湾内延伸,沿岸海南岛河流注入湾内和琼州海峡过道水的影响,适合作为渔业作业区和水产养殖区;湾中部和南部远岸深水区,该区的环境主要特点是平均水深75m,DIN浓度平均值为0.77μmol/L,DIP浓度平均值为0.15μmol/L,N:P为5.1:1,硅酸盐浓度平均值为3.05μmol/L,表层叶绿素a平均值0.70 mg·m~(-3),表层同化指数平均为3.69 mg/,初级生产力平均值350.89 mgC/(m~2·d),根据初级生产力计算潜在渔业资源碳生产量平均为0.43 gC/(m~2·a),该区主要受北部湾环流影响,适合作为渔业作业区。

The arch bending on the top of the original main arch ring corresponds to every arch rib and the bottom beam on its landscape orientation. As a result it becomes a down arc frame similar to slab-and-beam floor system. On the arch bending and bottom beam just established, standing pillar, main beam, horizontal rib beam and bridge front-panel would be built subsequently. Both ends of the main beam would then be put off the new hat beam made of reinforced concrete. Now, it becomes an upper slab-and-beam floor system. Two decks will be joined together on the middle of the bridge, which forms the ability of spanning and loading.


This paper proceeded the flexural experiment respectively of two flexural strengthen beam by CFS, one compared reinforced concrete beam, and proceed sheared experiment research of two U style stirrups of CFS combined compacted sheared strengthen beam, one compared reinforced concrete beam. analyze and compare some working characters such as width of cracks, the deflection and ultimate moment of an unstrengthen compared beam, an initial strengthen beam and a beam strengthened after crack by compacting .


Secondly, a theoretical dual rigid-plastic modal under lateral impact of blunt indenters is firstly developed in order to predict damage pipeline which is fully clamped across a span based on rigid-plastic beam on a perfectly plastic foundation, which is made up of a rigid-plastic sub-beam and a rigid-plastic basic-beam, the rigid-plastic sub-beam is used to predict denting deformation, the rigid-plastic basic-beam is used to predict global deformation, the sub-beam and the basic-beam interact by a perfectly plastic foundation.


This invention relates to a method and device for generating cold atomic beam. Said method includes heating hot atom source in vacuum chamber to form atomic saturated vapor pressure atmosphere, cooling hot atom by three-D MOT to below 200uk and trapped to form cold atomic cloud, by the quarter wave plate reflection mirror in MOT the laser radiation pressure being unbalanced to make cold atom emitting along said direction, four tape arranged straight line set with contrary current direction is set in atom beam emission direction, which makes the atom emitted to forward to obtain cold atom beam with low speed, large flux and small transverse speed, laser beam vertical with atom beam set in the direction of cold atom emitting for atom beam state preparation to realize state concordant emitted cold atom beam.


Diamagnetic loop is new beam diagnostic technology, it measures electromagnetic parameter-magetic moment that is brought while beam is transforming, by measuring magnetic moment we can calculate beam radius. Diamagnetic loop is non-intrusive diagnostic system, it can diagnose beam radius on line and it can diagnose beam emittance and obliquity cooperating with other technology such as three gradient method and beam bugs.


For the structure stress condition, the dead load is born mainly by continuous rigid-frame, and the live load is born by both the arch rib and the main beam, the force separately bora by the arch rib and the main beam is influenced by the whole rigidity of beam and arch, and by areas of flexible hanger rod, the structure perforce is no longer same with the common beam and arch, and the inner force analysis progress is more complex to the common bridge system, especially, the multi-direction stress analysis to the combination area of pier、 arch and beam is very difficult, for such reasons, so it is very necessary and important to have stress performance analysis in the combination area of pier、 arch and beam.


The main way of the method of beam grid is to simulate the top structure with a equivalent beam grid, and concentrates the scattered bending rigid and tension rigid in slab or box beam into the close equivalent beam grid, and the longitudinal rigid of the real structure is concentrated in longitudinal beam rigid, and the lateral rigid is concentrated in lateral beam rigid.


Those ions will perform stable oscillation nearby the beam orbit while their mass is larger than a critical mass. The accumulation of trapped ions nearby the beam orbit, interacting with beam, can cause the tune shift of beam, blowup of beam emittance, increase of local vacuum pressure, and can even lead to the occurrence of beam instability.


Five novel torsion-mirror optical actuators including double-beam thickness differential structure with single torsional axis, double flexible folded-beam structure with single torsional axis, double-beam vertical torsion comb structure with single torsion axis, four-beam differential compound-micromirror structure with double torsional axis and the combined structure of the four basis forms above, are brought forward. All of these devices could be fabricated by the same silicon micromachining process we have developed. The deformation compensation design with local enhancement for the thin torsional beam which is the key structure of these devices is also put forward to improve the reliability. The three-dimension solid model and two-dimension reduced order model of the torsion-mirror optical actuator are established and then the numerical simulations for evaluating the device characteristics of the statics, dynamics, electrostatic field, mechanical and electrostatic coupling, fluid and solid coupling are carried out to optimize the structure design. Furthermore, three optical fibre clamping structures which could be integrated monolithicly are designed and analyzed to improve the optical coupling capability. 4. Three flexible process flows combined with bulk silicon micromachining and surface silicon micromachining are brought forward to fabricate these novel single-crystal silicon or polysilicon torsion-mirror optical actuators by using the same lithography masks for both SOI wafer and regular silicon wafer. A series of important process experiments are carried out to optimize the process parameters and the process flows. Some novel and typical process phenomena which occurred during the microfabrication are analyzed and then the corresponding solutions are put forward. 5. A MEMS dynamic testing system which exploit blur image synthetic technique, stroboscopic image matching technique, stroboscopic mirau microscopic interferometry technique and microscopic laser dopper vibrometer technique is set up to measure three-dimension and six-freedom micro motions of any MEMS devices with nanometer resolution.

在对硅微机械扭转镜光致动器的光机电特性系统地理论研究的基础上提出了硅微机械扭转镜光致动器的结构设计准则。3、提出了单轴双梁厚度差分结构、单轴双柔性折叠梁结构、单轴双梁垂直扭转梳齿结构、双轴四梁差动复合微镜结构以及以上四种基本结构组合后的衍生结构等五种工艺加工技术兼容的新型的硅微机械扭转镜光致动器,对器件关键结构薄厚度、高耐疲劳扭转梁进行了局部加强的变形补偿设计,建立了器件的三维实体模型以及两维降阶模型,对提出的新结构硅微机械扭转镜光致动器进行了系统的静力学、动力学、静电场、力电耦合和流体固体耦合的建模仿真与优化设计,同时设计并分析了三种可实现单芯片集成的弹性光纤定位夹紧结构。4、提出了组合体硅微加工技术与表面硅微加工技术、兼容同一套光刻版图、可分别基于SOI 晶片和普通Si 晶片、适应于制造提出的各种新结构单晶硅和多晶硅硅微机械扭转镜光致动器的三套柔性加工工艺流程,开展了一系列重要工艺步骤的单项工艺试验,对工艺流程与工艺参数进行了优化,针对加工过程中出现的具有普遍意义的典型工艺问题进行了讨论和分析,并提出了解决方法。5、创新性地将模糊图像合成技术、频闪图像匹配技术、频闪Mirau 显微干涉技术与显微激光多普勒测振技术有机结合,建立起了一套周期运动测量与瞬态运动测量相结合、单点运动测量与全视场运动测量相结合、满足不同MEMS 器件各种动态测试要求的集成的MEMS 三维六自由度微运动精密测量系统。

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Primary Colours
Beam Me Up
Beam Me Up
Crop Circles
Triple Beam Dreams
Beam Me Up
Carnage Asada
Theme To Wendel Stivers

"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
