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与 presently 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 V*** will defend and indemnify N***, at its own expense, from any claim, suit, or proceeding brought against N*** to the extent it is based upon a claim that any Product under normal use sold by V*** to N**8 pursuant to this Agreement infringes upon any presently issued third Party patent or any copyright, or misappropriates any trade secret, of any third Party; provided that

如果N 正常使用的由V 依据本协议所提供的产品受到指控、起诉或司法裁决,认为侵害了第三方专利、产权或违反了相关商业秘密,那么,V必须保护N,并对N进行赔偿。所依据的条件如下

It is the means for your planetary society to understand itself more profoundly than is presently possible.


Presently he adds that she is one of the most charming women he has ever known.


In my viewing the Sea from that Hill where I stood, I perceiv'd a strong, and indeed, a most furious Current, which run to the East, and even came close to the Point; and I took the more Notice of it, because I saw there might be some Danger; that when I came into it, I might be carry'd out to Sea by the Strength of it, and not be able to make the Island again; and indeed, had I not gotten first up upon this Hill, 1 believe it would have been so; for there was the same Current on the other Side the Island, only, that it set off at a farther Distance; and I saw there was a strong Eddy under the Shore; so I had nothing to do but to get in out of the first Current, and I should presently be in an Eddy.


If the U.S. was running a $.6 trillion current-account surplus, commentators worldwide would violently condemn our policy, viewing it as an extreme form of "mercantilism"– a long-discredited economic strategy under which countries fostered exports, discouraged imports, and piled up treasure. I would condemn such a policy as well. But, in effect if not in intent, the rest of the world is practicing mercantilism in respect to the U.S., an act made possible by our vast store of assets and our pristine credit history. Indeed, the world would never let any other country use a credit card denominated in its own currency to the insatiable extent we are employing ours. Presently, most foreign investors are sanguine: they may view us as spending junkies, but they know we are rich junkies as well.

换个角度来说,如果美国现在享有的是 6,000 亿美元的贸易顺差的话,其它国家一定会立刻跳出来谴责我们的贸易政策,将之视为重商主义,也就是长久以来,为人所垢病的鼓励出口,压抑进口,囤积财富的经济政策,我对这种做法也期期以为不可,但事实上就算不是有意的,目前世界上其它国家确实正对美国实行重商主义,觊谀我国丰厚的资产以及深厚的家底,确实除了美国以外,世界上再也没有其它国家可以享有几乎无上限的信用额度,截至目前为止,大部份的外国人还是相当乐观,他们认定我们是花钱如流水的败家子,而且是极其富有的败家子。

If the US was running a $.6 trillion current-account surplus, commentators worldwide would violently condemn our policy, viewing it as an extreme form of "mercantilism"– a long-discredited economic strategy under which countries fostered exports, discouraged imports, and piled up treasure. I would condemn such a policy as well. But, in effect if not in intent, the rest of the world is practicing mercantilism in respect to the US, an act made possible by our vast store of assets and our pristine credit history. Indeed, the world would never let any other country use a credit card denominated in its own currency to the insatiable extent we are employing ours. Presently, most foreign investors are sanguine: they may view us as spending junkies, but they know we are rich junkies as well.


This opinion oppugns the basic jumping-off point of many technological innovative studies in China presently.


Presently has colored and transparent mixed iron-smelting rubber production line one, two large-scale black mixed iron-smelting production line, the month productivity 600 tons, a Taiwan import rubber pelleting production line, an oak model the product machining center and the product research and development and the simulation test the laboratory.


And now, uttering a harsh, querulous scream, leaping from the ground by little and little, in order to try her powers, and presently poising herself aloft on her pinions, she stretched forth her wings on either Side to their full extent, and flew straight away.


Presently, we are being cultivated and pruned.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
