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Results the risk for developing gestational diabetes mellitus was increasing with growth rate of pregnant body mass index (or=89.1274,95%ci6.2574~95.1757),pre-pregnancy body mass index (or=8.1826,95%ci7.1804~41.3126) years of age(or=2.4322,95%ci2.2815~15.2251) and having family history of diabetes(or=4.1254, 95%ci 4.0247~27.2024),but no statistical difference was observed in pre-pregnancy height.the faster women' s growth rate of body mass index in duration of increase pregnancy,the more possible who would fall in ill with gestational diabetes mellitus.conclusion the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus was related to the growth rate of pregnant body mass index.
结果 多因素回归分析显示,孕期体质指数增加大(or=89.127?4,95%ci=6.257?4~95.175?7)、孕前体质指数大(or=8.182?6,95%ci=7.180?4~41.312?6)、有糖尿病家族史(or=4.125?4,95%ci=4.024?7~27.202?4)、年龄大(or=2.432?2,95%ci=2.281?5~15.225?1)均增加孕妇发生妊娠期糖尿病的风险;未发现身高与妊娠期糖尿病发病有关。排除孕前体重干扰后,孕期体重增长速度越快,发生妊娠期糖尿病的风险越大。结论孕期体质指数增长过快是妊娠期糖尿病的独立危险因素。
G.E.Hubb root is from 0.20mm to 0.50mm, and 95% roots, diameter is thinner than 0.40mm. The total surface areas of roots is 10139.68cm^2, and the surface areas of roots is about 2 to 3 times to soil surface areas in the surface layer. Enlacing sod concretion to soil profile of Eulaliopsis binata G.E. Hubb root and the gigantic adsorption to soil grains of root surface are the mechanism why Eulaliopsis binata G.E. Hubb can reduce null and water loss significantly. The monitoring result from 2003 to 2004 indicates that, when the gradient is 12 degrees, the runoff rate of planting Eulaliopsis binata Retz. G.E. Hubb completely after changing slope land to ladder (PECC, so as the follows is only 49.90m^3/hm^2?yr. and the soil loss rate is 155.78kg/hm^2?yr, however, the runoff rate of fanning and being not change slope land to ladder is 314.29m^3/hm^2?yr that is 6.30 times to PECC ,and the soil loss rate is 3322.50 that is 21.33 times to PECC; When the gradient is 24 degrees, the runoff rate of planting eulaliopsis binata G.E, Hubb in the ridge and border slope land after changing slope land to ladder is 248.04m^3/hm^3?yr and the soil loss rate is 612.00kg/hm^3?yr. the runoff rate of PECC is only 42.44m^3/hm^2?yr and the soil loss rate is 153.75kg/hm^2?yr, however, the runoff rate of ENC reaches to 785.73m^3/hm62?yr that is 3.17 times to PERBC and 18.52 times to PECC, and the soil lose rate reaches to 37503m^3/hm^2 yr that is 61.33 times to PERBC and 244.12 times to PECC.
蓑草根系平均直径0.20~0.50mm, 95%的根系平均直径小于0.40mm,根系总表面积10139.68cm^2,在土壤表层根系表面积高达土体表面积的2~3倍,根系表面对土壤颗粒的巨大吸附作用是蓑草显著提高土壤抗侵蚀能力的另一个重要原因。2003~2004年的监测结果表明,在12度坡度情况下,坡改梯后净作蓑草年径流量仅49.90立方公尺/hm^2,年土壤流失量为155.78kg/hm^2,而未坡改梯且农作情况下,年径流量314.29立方公尺/hm^2为前者的6.30倍,年土壤流失量3322.50Kg/hm^2为前者的21.33倍;在24度坡度情况下,坡改梯后土埂及边坡种植蓑草、坡面农作年径流量248.04立方公尺/hm^2,年土壤流失量612.00kg/hm^2,坡改梯后净作蓑草径流量42.44立方公尺/hm^2,土坡流失量l53.75kg/hm^2,而未坡改梯且农作情况下年径流量高达785.73立方公尺/hm^2,分别为处理1的3.17倍,处理2的18.52倍,年土壤流失量高达37503kg/hm^2,分别为处理1的61.33倍,处理2的244.12倍。
Results The mean age,and body mass index before pregnancy and larger matemal weight gains during pregnancy were significantly different between GDM/GIGT and control group (P.01);Gravidity,past parity and cacogenesis were significantly different between GDM/GIGT and control group(P.05~0.01);There was a higher proportion of women with family history of diabetes among the GDM and GIGT compared with control group(P.01);Multivariate logistic regression showed that age,BMI before pregnancy and larger matemal weight gains during pregnancy were independent high risk factors for GDM or GIGT.
为早期发现GDM和GIGT的高危人群,及时诊断和治疗,本研究对180例孕妇进行分析,探讨GDM和GIGT发病的高危因素,以期为制定妇幼保健策略提供参考依据。1资料与方法1·1研究对象2006年7月~2007年2月在深圳市妇儿医院及本院产科门诊行产前检查的孕妇,于孕24~28周行50g口服葡萄糖筛查试验(50g GCT),如1h静脉血糖≥7
Pregnancy, the continuity of life, is the task that a woman accomplishes with great strength and courage. It is not only delightful but also toilsome during the natural and noble pregnancy process: some women never felt discomforts in the process while the others underwent different tortures such as infecundity, artificial insemination, vomiting during pregnancy, a venous aneurysm, bleeding, pregnancy following a heart attack, an abortion, a difficult delivery, hysterorrhexis and even death.
Results about the cases confirmed by the surgery and pathologic examination, the diagnostic accuracy of preoperative ultrasonography was 89.3%. two cases were misdiagnosed as pelvic inflammatory disease mass and the septus uterus with one side intrauterine pregnancy, three cases of ectopic pregnancy were not accurately positioned, and two cases of cornual pregnancy and tubal pregnancy were mutual misdiagnosis.
结果 在我院经手术及病理检查报告证实诊断的37例宫角妊娠及29例间质部妊娠,术前超声诊断准确率为89.3%,有2例术前超声误诊为盆腔炎性包块及纵隔子宫一侧宫腔妊娠,有3例超声诊断为宫外孕未准确定位,另有2例宫角妊娠与间质部妊娠相互误诊。
THE CORRELATION OF ANTITROPHOBLAST ANTIBODY, EMAB AND HCG-AB WITH IVF-ET PREGNANCY OUTCOMEYANG ZONG-ZHI, SONG DONG-PO, ZOU SHU-HUA, et al(Medical and Health Care Center For Women and Childen of Qingdao, Qingdao 266011, China)[ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo assess the effect of antitrophoblast antibody, EmAb and HCG-Ab on in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer outcome.MethodsThis study included 140 infertility women of unexplained reasons, salpingemphraxis and/or male factor undergoing IVF-ET, of whom, 31 with repeated failure of implantation; 26 with biochemical loss of pregnancy; 18 with clinical pregnancy loss. Sixty-five with clinical pregnancy served as control group.
目的 探讨抗滋养细胞膜抗体、抗子宫内膜抗体、抗HCG抗体对体外受精-胚胎移植妊娠结局的影响方法选择2002年1月~2007年7月在本生殖医学中心由于不明原因性不育、女方输卵管因素和男方轻度少弱精子症因素不育而接受IVF-ET治疗的妇女140例,其中次植失败31例,生化妊娠丢失26例及临床妊娠丢失18例,持续妊娠65例。
Methods test 1 256 samples from suspect uu or ct sufferers and infertile patients during 2007.results the positive rate of uu of 149 samples of prostate liquid is 42.3%(63/149), and the positive rate of ct of 136 samples of prostate liquid s is 19.9%(27/136);the positive rate of uu of 361samples of the secretion of the urinous tract is 21.1%(76/361),and the positive rate of ct of 346 samples of the secretion of the urinous tract is 10.4%(36/346);the positive rate of uu of 141 samples of semen is 11.3%(16/141),and the positive rate of ct of 123 samples of semen is 7.3%(9/123).conclusion there are significant differences in positive rate of uu and ct of 3 types of samples p.005.the positive rate of specimens of postate liquid is higher than that of the secretion of the urinous tract ,the positive rate of semen test is the lowest..the results from the uu and ct test of different types of specimens are different obviously .the most suitable specimen of test is prostate liquid.
对2007年1 256例怀疑感染uu或ct的患者和不孕不育症患者标本检测。结果:149例前列腺标本中uu阳性率为42.3%(63/149)、136例前列腺标本ct阳性率为19.9%(27/136);361例尿道分泌物uu阳性率为21.1%(76/361)、346例尿道分泌物ct阳性率为10.4%(36/346);141例精液uu阳性率为11.3%(16/141)、123例精液ct阳性率为7.3%(9/123)。结论:三种标本的uu、ct阳性率相差显著,p.005。前列腺标本检测的阳性率明显高于尿道分泌物标本,精液检测的阳性率最低。不同类型的标本检测的uu、ct的结果有很大的差异,送检的标本最好是前列腺液。
The twig production of different clones is different, from 5.5 twigs per month to 14.8 twigs per month. The rooting rate, root number and root length change regularly as the concentration of IBA goes up from 0.05 to 2.00 mg/L. At the concentration of 0.05 mg/L ppm IBA, rooting rate and root length are the highest. Cutting substrate also has eminent effect on rooting rate and survival rate, 50% peat plus 50% sub-top soil is the best substrate. The survival rate differs greatly among clones, from 56.7% to 90.0%. Rooting rate and survival rate change regularly as season changes. The rooting rate of May and June is middle, that of July and August is high and that of September and October drops rapidly. The survival rate is low in May, September and October and high in June, July and August.
结果表明:不同无性系的萌条数量有显著差异,高的达14.8条/月,低的5.5条/月,平均9.1条/月,从0.05~2.00 mg/L,随着IBA浓度的提离,生根率、根条数、总根长等生根指标均呈现有规律的变化;综合考虑各种生根指标,以IBA0.05 mg/L为最佳生根激素处理,扦插介质对柚木插穗生根有显著的影响,以泥炭土+黄心土按1:1混合为最佳扦插介质;不同无性系的扦插成活率不同,从56.7%至90.0%,变动幅度大,随扦插季节变化,生根率和成活率均呈现有规律的变化,5~6月份的生根率中等,7~8月最高,9~10月份迅速下降,成活率随季节的变化也是两头低、中间高,6~8月的成活率最高,大于93%。
The lower pregnancy rate was found in Group C,the highest abortion rate and ectopic pregnancy rate were found in Group C was 21.15% and 7.69% repectively,and was statistially different from that in control group (P.05).Conclusion Hydrosalpinx is detrimental to the outcome of IVF-ET and may cause the increase of abortion,appropriate procedure should be adopted to deal with the problem before the IVF-ET and may improve the outcome of IVF-ET and may decrease the abortion rate.
Results 12 cases tubal pregnancy were confirmed as well as 1 case of intra-uterine pregnancy. X-ray showed a localized dilation of fallopian tube , half-loop, ring- like or irregular shaped filling defect. In one case, cluster of grapes appearance of contrast medium could be seen at the frimbriate end of fallopian tube. Of the 12 cases of tubal pregnancy, 10 were successfully treated, the successful rate was 83%.
结果 诊断输卵管妊娠12例,宫内妊娠1例。X线表现为输卵管腔局限性膨大,腔内见半环状、环状或不规则充盈缺损11例,1例输卵管腔显影正常,但在输卵管伞端见对比剂呈葡萄串状集聚。12例经输卵管内注射MTX治疗,10例获得成功。
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But this is impossible, as long as it is engaging in a market economy, there are risks in any operation.
We're on the same wavelength.
The temperature is usually between 300 and 675 degrees Celsius.