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Methods Monoclonal antibody against the glycophorin A was used to identify nucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of pregnant women.Candidates fetal cells from 3 pregnancies at 16 to 24 weeks of gestation were isolated successfully.Sorted cells were also confirmed using Y-special probe (PY3.4) repeated sequences in maternal blood from women carrying male fetuses were detected by polymerase chain reaction.Results The PY3.4 position hybridization rates were 31.5%,0 and 38% respectively in sorted GPA positive cells of 3 samples by FISH,and the results of GPA+ cells of the 3 cases by PCR were positive,negative and positive respectively,which were manifested by the gender after aborticide.

选用红细胞特异单克隆抗体Glycophorin A结合流式细胞术成功地从3例妊娠16~24周的孕妇血中分离出NRBCs,并用Y-染色体特异重复序列DNA探针(PY3.4)荧光原位杂交及聚合酶链反应技术检测Y-染色体特异序列结果 FISH结果,3例分选出的GPA阳性细胞中PY3.4杂交阳性率分别是31.4%、0、38%;其PCR结果,分别为阳性、阴性、阳性,并在引产后得到性别证实。

Methods Monoclonal antibody against the glycophorin A was used to identify nucleated erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of pregnant women.Candidates fetal cells from 3 pregnancies at 16 to 24 weeks of gestation were isolated successfully.Sorted cells were also confirmed using Y-special probe (PY3.4) repeated sequences in maternal blood from women carrying male fetuses were detected by polymerase chain reaction.Results The PY3.4 position hybridization rates were 31.5%0 and 38% respectively in sorted GPA positive cells of 3 samples by FISHand the results of GPA+ cells of the 3 cases by PCR were positivenegative and positive respectivelywhich were manifested by the gender after aborticide.

选用红细胞特异单克隆抗体Glycophorin A结合流式细胞术成功地从3例妊娠16~24周的孕妇血中分离出NRBCs,并用Y-染色体特异重复序列DNA探针(PY3.4)荧光原位杂交及聚合酶链反应技术检测Y-染色体特异序列结果 FISH结果,3例分选出的GPA阳性细胞中PY3.4杂交阳性率分别是31.4%、0、38%;其PCR结果,分别为阳性、阴性、阳性,并在引产后得到性别证明。

Public Health Serice says that if all women of childbearing age consumed 400 micrograms of folic acid daily -- before and during pregnancy -- it could help preent up to 70 percent of pregnancies affected by neural tube defects, serious birth defects of the brain and spine such as spina bifida and anencephaly.


For this study, Dr. Artal and his colleagues examined two groups of pregnant women who were obese and had gestational diabetes, a condition common in about 7 percent of all pregnancies.


Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of autotransfusion in therapy in hemorrhagic shock with ectopic pregnancies by abdominoscope.

目的 研究自体血液回输在腹腔镜下宫外孕失血性休克治疗中的安全性和效果。

Dizygotic twin pregnancies account for about two-thirds to three-quarters of all spontaneous multiple pregnancies in a random population, therefore the results of this study predominantly, but not exclusively, represent fraternal twins.


However, pregnancies conceived with assisted reproductive technology are an exception, since the incidence of combined intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy may be as high as 1/100 pregnancies.


The investigators examined fetal outcome data from 972 pregnancies collected from 1997 to 2002 in a nested case-control study. The participants were nulliparous and had no known medical complications. Pregnancies were grouped in eight categories based on the presence or absence of combinations of hypertension, hyperuricemia, and proteinuria.


Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of autotransfusion in therapy in hemorrhagic shock with ectopic pregnancies by abdominoscope.Methods We choice forty-two ectopic pregnancies or corpus luteum rupture with hemorrhagic shock into two sets: haematomas of ectopic pregnancies and corpus luteum rupture had been scavenged and haemostasised in laparoscopic approaching;And the others using AutologTM Autotransfusion System in the same time.The blood was collected from operative area and celom,and transfused back to the patiants after the same treatment.

目的 研究自体血液回输在腹腔镜下宫外孕失血性休克治疗中的安全性和效果方法选择42例宫外孕或黄体破裂,失血性休克患者行腹腔镜探查,血肿清除并止血术,随机分成两组:组腹腔镜下直接清除血肿;另外一组在腹腔镜下清除血肿时,应用AutologTM Autotransfusion System,收集手术野和体腔内的出血、积血,处理后回输给患者。

Most IVF pregnancies are singletons but the rates of multiple gestations are much higher than those seen in spontaneous conceptions: approximately 30% of all pregnancies occurring via IVF are multiples, the majority being twins.


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