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与 prefix 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Prefix entries are written to the index block only if the index block does not already contain a prefix entry whose value is equal to the present prefix entry.


Methods in the second group use the cyclic prefix inserted into the OFDM symbol, they do not affect the data rate, but the performance is not agreeable, because the cyclic prefix is contaminated by inter-symbol interference in the multipath channel.


a scheme of channel estimation using cyclic prefix based on the measurement of the low-voltage power line channel model is presented.after obtaining the frequency response of pilot sub-channel under the state of comb-type pilot,the data sub-channel response is obtained by interpolating the frequency response in frequency direction.in the pilot-free data period,the estimation of the channel is carried out by using cyclic prefix in order to improve the performance of system error rate.

摘 要:通过实际测量给出低压电力线的信道模型,在此基础之上提出了利用循环前缀对信道进行估计的方法,即在梳状导频模式时,使用导频获得导频子信道频率响应后,对其在频域方向进行插值得到数据子信道响应,在其后没有导频的序列的数据周期内,使用循环前缀对信道进行估计,从而起到改善系统误比特性能的目的。

You can't have one leftmost prefix OR another leftmost prefix for the same index.


Some feel that the prefix "dys-" should be used where there is reasonable suspicion of "organicity" to warrant the more medical terminology. The prefix "dis-" is used to denote mislearning and more psycho-emotional components.


Some feel that the prefix "dys-" should be used where there is reasonable suspicion of "organicity" to warrant the more medical terminology. The prefix "dis-" is used to denote mislearning and more psycho-emotional com ponents.


Note, though, that the $ prefix does double duty as a prefix on identifiers (see section 3.1), so a hex number prefixed with a $ sign must have a digit after the $ rather than a letter.


Inherent inter-symbol and inter-carrier interference elimination ability of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system attribute to its cyclic prefix. But the case of multipath fading channels whose the channel impulse response length exceeds the duration of cyclic prefix causes intersymbol interference and intercarrier interference, which may degrade system performance severely.


At the same time, there was buying of steel shares, the data show that in the above-mentioned period,"T prefix" account the cumulative net bought Unit of the amount of up to 18,449,300 yuan.


Which yesterday rose 9.09% per cent stake in Alliance, which in October since the sale of motor ability tests, there have been accumulated in the "T prefix" account 24 times, bought a net total of 37,523,300 yuan.


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Long Island Degrees
No Splash
Brief Description
Non-Zero Possibility
Webster's Revenge
Fool Get A Clue
New Jeeps
Finally Here
Real Hip Hop - Part II
She Neva Seen

Georgiana,The Duchess of Devonshire: No,I made that many years ago.


Be + caus e = Because .

& e &在结尾不发音。

What was in front of me was just a piece of land with loosely grown grass.
