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The damaging situation of orange scale and its natural enemy and control countremeasures were studied by investigating 11 typic orange gardens in the whole prefecture,surveying the fixed sites and the control test in the orange garden of this prefecture.


Position: Vice-director of General Surgery ( is in charging of day to day work of Hepatobiliariy Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery ); the Vice-chairman of trade union of the hospital; Vice-Secretary of Chinese Medicine Association of Lishui Prefecture Branch; member of the standing comittee of Lishui Prefecture youth union.

现任 丽水市中心医院副院长兼普外科主任(主持肝胆胰、胃肠、小儿外科病区工作),外科八病区主任、医院医疗委员会成员、医院工会副主席,丽水市医学会副秘书长,丽水市一届政协委员、丽水市青联常委。

According to the historical records, in Yongzheng period of Qing Dynasty, the imperial government established the official's dispatching system in Pu'er Prefecture to strengthen the management to territories under its jurisdiction. The core was to promote research and development of tea planting, formulate a large commodity for the imperial government to increase tax and undertake the obligations to pay tributes to imperial government. Therefore, the establishment of Pu'er Prefecture promoted the tea development in the region of Pu'er greatly.


With the material of top soil 5cm deep, 20m×20m, which is under the woods of Chinese Cork Oak in the urban constructing lands of Osaka International Culture Park in Minoh city, Osaka prefecture, the research carried out a small-scale spreading test of forest top soil. A small piece of wasteland was used as the test field, which is in Yamadaike Park in Hirokata city, Osaka prefecture. There were 4 test areas, and each test area included 7 disposal areas.

试验材料取自日本大阪府箕面市大阪国际文化公园都市建设地,选取面积为20m×20m的栓皮栎Quercus variabilis群落,采集林下5cm厚森林表土;试验场地设在大阪府枚方市山田池公园的一隅荒地,共设置4个试验区,每个试验区7个试验处理,计28个试验小区。

Beijing has informed Japan it plans to execute three more Japanese drug smugglers as early as Thursday – Teruo Takeda, 67, from Nagoya city; Hironori Ukai, 48, from Gifu prefecture; and Katsuo Mori, 67, of Fukushima prefecture.


It is easy to distinguish the Prefecture of the Oriens from the Diocese of Oriens from the Diocese of Oriens; but more care is required not to confound the Diocese with the Prefecture of Illyricum.


Its southeastern and northern parts are surrounded by mountains, and a vast plain spreads across the centre of the prefecture.


Education of pastoral areas is an important component of the ethnic education in ABa Prefecture.


This paper gives the countermeasures against the problems in Aba prefecture religious work.


In the territory of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, reinstituted in 1847, the Franciscans have 24 convents, and 15 parishes; in Syria (the Prefecture Apostolic of Aleppo), to which also belong Phoenicia and Armenia, they have 20 convents and 15 parishes, while in Lower Egypt they occupy 16 convents and 16 parishes.


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Those who loved reading were obliged to send for their books from England; the members of the junto had each a few


Three fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water.


When they did, it was Jonathan and his armor-bearer who were not there.
