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powers that be相关的网络例句

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与 powers that be 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I grant to said attorney in fact full power and authority to do, take, and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever requisite, proper, or necessary to be done, in the exercise of the settlement of the rebate and refund claims, as fully for all intents and pruposes as I might or could do if personally present, hereby retifying and confirming all that said attorney in fact shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this power of attorney and the rights and powers herein granted.

我授予前述律师实际上全权和当局做,采取,和一样充分地执行所有和每件行动和事任何必须,适当,或必要做,在折扣的解决的锻炼和退款要求,为所有意向和pruposes 象我也许或能做如果亲自出席, retifying 和特此证实所有前述律师实际上将做或合法地将导致做由于这份授权书和权利和力量此中被授予。

It can be concluded that the surface properties of aluminum can be improved by laser cladding Y powers.


In 2000, F. LUCA proved that Fermat number are anti-sociable numbers, and in 2005, M. H. LE proved all powers of 2 are anti-sociable numbers. We have used the method of M. H. LE to obtain some new results of the anti-sociable numbers. For every integer n containing prime divisors that are 1 mod 4, let p mod 4 be an arbitrary prime divisor of n. There is at least one anti-sociable number in n^2, p^2n^2, p^4n^2, and p^6n^2. Therefore we can prove that anti-sociable numbers have positive density in perfect square numbers. We also give a method to find the exact anti-sociable numbers.


Henry Kissinger also points out that there are at least six great powers: the United States, Europe, China, Japan, Russia, and probably India in 20th century world politics. After 911 terrorist attacks in 2001, the American hegemony of unipolarity was replaced by a multipolar world. This essay attempts to analyze the contents and strategies of six great cultures. It also attempts to prove that Chinese culture and its positive defense strategy will be an important pillar for supporting the present world order. Accordingly, China's peaceful development strategy should not be a threat to its neighbors.


POWER OF ATTORNEY请将该段翻译成中文 The Chargor irrevocably appoints the Lender, the Receiver and any persons deriving title under either of them by way of security jointly and severally to be its attorney (with full power of substitution) and in its name or otherwise on its behalf and as its act and deed to sign, seal, execute, deliver, perfect and do all deeds, instruments, acts and things which may be required or which the Lender or the Receiver shall think proper or expedient for carrying out any obligations imposed on the Chargor hereunder including any act or thing to be done for transferring or assi娜ng (or completing or perfecting any transfer andlor assignment ofj the title, ownership and right of the Chargor of and in the Machinery or any part thereof to the Lender upon or for the purpose of the enforcement of this Deed or for exercising any of the powers hereby conferred or in connection with any sale or disposition of all or any part of the Machinery or the exercise of any rights in respect thereof or for giving or granting or transferring or assigning to the Lender the full benefit of this security or the title, ownership, right of the Chargor of and in the Machinery and so that the appointment hereby made shall operate to confer an the Lender and the Receiver authority to do on behalf of the Chargor anything which it can lawfully do by an attorney.

该chargor不可改变指定放款,接收器和任何人产生标题下,无论他们的担保方式共同及个别作为自己的律师,并在其姓名或以其它方式代其与作为其法和实际行动上签字,盖章,执行,交付,完善和尽一切事迹,仪器仪表,行为和这件事可能需要或贷款人或接管人应想正当或权宜措施,为履行任何义务加诸于chargor 以下(包括任何行为或事情需要做转让或assi娜伍(或完成或完善任何转让andlor转让ofj业权,所有权和右的chargor的,并在机械或其任何部分向贷款后,或用以执行这项契约),或行使任何权力兹授予或与任何出售或处置的全部或任何部分机器或行使的任何权利,在尊重或给予或给予或转让或指派向贷款人的全部利益,这种安全或名称,所有权,权利主体chargor的,并在机械等,这兹任命应取得经营授予放款者和接收者管理局做代表该chargor什么,它可以合法地做一个律政司。

And the suggestion is that this system needs to be newly constructed from the following aspects: Firstly, immigration right must be added into the Constitution to guarantee the legal basis on what the rights of immigration system established; Secondly, the formulation of a unified China immigration laws change the current unified legal system; Thirdly, improve relief measures of the rights of immigration both from the public and private aspects; Fourthly, to establish a new unified border security inspection department for private business, to optimize the original setup of the department and to recon figurate the powers and rights; Fifthly, the restrictions on the discretion of the executive and administrative areas, stress the right immigration's central authority attribution All in all, the text begins with the basic contents of human rights of immigration, bases itself on the theoretical framework of human rights, adopts a historical point of view and vertical and horizontal comparative study methods, fully inspects and discusses other countries and regions'immigration system, critically scrutinizes the immigration-related regulations in China's the immigration system, and tries to build a immigration system theory and practice system that complies with China's practical circumstances by using constructive thinking and facilitates actual operation.


At first you may not be conscious of this, still as you resolutely and uncompromisingly "snub" every tendency toward doubt and depression that assails you, you will soon be made aware that the powers of darkness are falling back.


At first you may not be conscious of this, still as you resolutely and uncompromisingly "snub" every tendency toward doubt and depression that assails you, you will soon be made aware that the powers of darkness are falling back.


The sentimentalities were that all men in political right were created equal; that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are instituted to secure that equality; that every people - not every scattering neighborhood or settlement without organic life, not every portion of a people who may be temporarily discontented, but the political being that we call a people - has the right to institute a government for itself and to lay its foundation on such principles and organize its powders in such form as to it and not to any other people shall seem most likely to effect its safety and happiness.


At present, veto still is the foundation and pillar of the United Nations, and it is the buffer of the great powers" contradictions, so veto can"t be abolished. But veto must be limited in order that its negative effect can be reduced.In the Security Council, the proportion of the developing countries is too small, and the geographical distribution is not equitable.


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The Powers That Be

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
