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Then she took a large and handsome vase, the kink in which marjoram or basil is grown, and inside it she placed the head wrapped in a beautiful clotn; then covering it with earth, she planted above it several sprigs of the finest basil from Salerno, and she watered it only with rose or orange water or with her own tears, She spent her time sitting close to the pot, turning all of her desire upon it, for it contained her beloved Lorenzo hidden within; and after gazing at it for a long time, she would bend over it and begin to weep and weep until all of the basil was bathed in her tears.


In Hong Kong, Shenzhen is equipped with the work spot, the factory is located in Guangzhou, our designers keep improving the products persistently, enables the product for unceasing development, becomes now the market fine durable gardening pot.


The Parisians manage by getting their vegetables picked at dawn and rushed in farmers' carts to market, where no middleman or marketman delays produce on its way to the pot.


The Parisians manage by getting their vegetables picket at dawn and rushed in farmers' carts to market, where no middle or marketman delays produce on its way to the pot .


He is also the first documented Arts Master of pot.


All the eateries for Fuyang noodles don't get a bit least decoration: lime-wall,cement-ground, over the pot is a noodle-press made of jack.The master workman puts the very tough dough into it and press the jack.


I've not seen Mawson for years. I heard from his old school fellow, however, that he had gone to pot.


By applying labeled urea into a loamy meadow brown soil, a pot experiment with spring wheat as test crop was carried out.


Brown soil and meadow soil from cultivated land were used in the laboratory and pot experiment to study the effects of applying humic acid and organic manure on potassium fixation and release in the soil,The result shown: Applying of humic acids could accelerate potassium releasing and decrease the fixation of added potassium.


The sad fact is that most major acquisitions display an egregious imbalance: They are a bonanza for the shareholders of the acquiree; they increase the income and status of the acquirer's management; and they are a honey pot for the investment bankers and other professionals on both sides. But, alas, they usually reduce the wealth of the acquirer's shareholders, often to a substantial extent. That happens because the acquirer typically gives up more intrinsic value than it receives. Do that enough, says John Medlin, the retired head of Wachovia Corp., and you are running a chain letter in reverse.

很遗憾的是,大部分的购并交易案都充满了不公平性,对于被购并方来说,算是得到解脱,购并一方的管理阶层则名利双收,旁边的投资银行家与专业顾问也都能跟着大捞一笔,只不过真正受害的却是购并方背后全体的股东,他们损失惨重,原因在于购并公司最后所得到的实质价值通常远比得到的低,就像是Wachovia公司已退休的领导人John Medlin说,这种事做太多,就好象是在倒写连锁信一样。

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Pot Of Gold
Another Pot O' Tea
Pot Of Gold
Melting Pot
Lexington. (Joey Pea-Pot With A Monkey Face)
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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
