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- 与 post-free 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Wiley Post began to study everything he could find about flying.
Wiley Post 开始他所能看到的研究一切有关飞行的东西。
The case coming from: In January, 2005~2006 year in December post-natal making a house-call 214 at the beginning of parturient woman, discovered nipple chapping is 92 people, stochastically divides into it the observation group 46 people; Comparison group 46 people, two groups of ages between 25~36 year old, state of health not obvious difference.
Yolk oil; Outside applies; The post-natal nipple chaps乳头皲裂是发生于哺乳期妇女的一种常见病,尤其是初产妇更易发生,在2005年1月~2006年12月两年期间,产后访视214人有92人发生轻重程度不同的乳头皲裂。发生占42.99%。临床上主要表现为乳头皮肤细小裂隙。
Even Post-Modernism, arising at the end of 60th, aiming at changing the formalistic language, is actually further research on form rather than disaffirm on organization and of Modernism.
PPF1 (Pisum sativum post-floral gene 1), highly expressed in short-day-grown G2 pea apical buds, was an inner membrane protein Zhu et al.
PPF1(Pisum sativum post-floral gene)是一个在短日照条件下生长的G2豌豆顶芽中高度表达的内膜蛋白(Zhu et a1。,1998)。
Yesterday was Mother's day. I suppost to post it yesterday but I'm really busy in moving home recently.......
昨日是母亲节,本应这个post 是昨日写的,不过最近因为忙於要搬屋的事宜,真的很烦;所以实在是没有办法直至今日才写好。
In order to know the evolutionary relationships between false vein, ISC, and VSC in Pteridaceae, 19 grnera and 82 species in Pteridaceae were sampled in this study; silica deposition types, ordinary epidermal cell morphology and veinal epidermal cells morphology of these species were surveyed. On the other hand, a convenient method was developed for this goal. In this method, a tabletop SEM with backscattered electron detector accompanied by post-cooling method was used.
为进一步探讨凤尾蕨科假脉、脉间矽异形细胞与脉上矽异形细胞之间的关系及其於凤尾蕨科内的演化,本论文选取19属82种的凤尾蕨科植物,观察其叶表面之二氧化矽堆积型式、一般表皮细胞形态以及脉上表皮细胞形态;同时,也开发出利用侦测背向散射电子之桌上型扫描式电子显微镜配合后冷却技术(post-cooling method)之快速检测法,该方法利用背向散射电子讯号强弱与平均原子数(average atomic number, Z number)之相关性得到矽异形细胞与一般表皮细胞具有明显对比之影像。
Focal tracks such as "The Actress" and "You Are Familiar" follow suit, and will undoubtedly cut and carve space in the post-screamo soundscape redefining the formula for commercial brutality.
焦点歌曲如&The Actress&与&You Are Familiar&亦是如此,毫无疑问它们将改变post-screamo风格的音乐形态,重新定义残酷的商业化之下的音乐规则。
The problem with this approach is that most browsers do not support anything outside of GET and POST.
All the GET and POST parameters are marshaled into a dictionary for easy access.
所有的 GET 和 POST 变量被转换进一个自动中,以方便访问。
The utility model relates to a temperature controlled switch used for controlling the on-off of an engine cooling fan in a motor car, comprising a case, a guide seat, a bimetallic sheet, a tappet and a switch composed of a spring leaf and a binding post.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Whipping Post
- Post World War Two Blues
- Post-War Breakout
- Hanging From A Lamp Post
- Post Apocalyptic Party
- Post Apocalyptic Girl
- Return Post
- Return Of The Post Moderns
- Post Nuclear Talking Blues
- Post Traumatic Warlab Stress
- 推荐网络例句
Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
This essay chooses the study aim from biology teachers in middle school in Shi Jiazhuang which tells us that most of the middle school biology teachers in Shi Jiazhuang have the"burnout", lower successfulness, individualize.
In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).