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与 possibility 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reflection on the unity of apperception demonstrates the fact that an act of synthesis is necessary for the possibility of apperception.


Christ, however, instead of informing His Apostles that he intended to use such a figure, told them rather the contrary in the discourse containing the promise:"the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world"(John 6:52), Such language, of course, could be used only by a God-man; so that belief in the Real Presence necessarily presupposes belief in the true Divinity of Christ, The foregoing rules would of themselves establish the natural meaning with certainty, even if the words of Institution,"This is my body - this is my blood", stood alone, But in the original text corpus and sanguis are followed by significant appositional additions, the Body being designated as "given for you" and the Blood as "shed for you "; hence the Body given to the Apostles was the self same Body that was crucified on Good Friday, and the Chalice drunk by them, the self same Blood that was shed on the Cross for our sins, Therefore the above-mentioned appositional phrases directly exclude every possibility of a figurative interpretation.

基督的,不过,不是告诉他的门徒说,他打算利用这样一个数字,告诉他们,而不是相反,在话语含有许诺说:"面包,我会给予,是我的肉体,为生活的世界"(约翰6时52分),如语言,当然可以只用了一个神人,所以这种信念,在现实存在一定的先决条件的信念,在真正的基督的神,前述规则,将自己建立的自然与意义确定性,即使字的机构,"这是我的身体-这是我的血",孤家寡人,而且在原来的文本语料库和血,其次是显著的a ppositional增补时,身体被指定为"给你",以及血液作为"大棚为你",因此,身体向使徒是自我同一机构,被钉在十字架上周五良好,并chalice喝醉了,由他们来说,自我相同的血缘,这是大棚在十字架上为我们的罪,因此,上面提到的appositional短语直接排除一切可能性,一个形象化的诠释。

We will give you preparation hair goods as soon as possible, but because of China at lead Chinese New Year, may delay, at the latest possibility at February 16 then can hair goods, hope your apprehensibility and understanding


If, on the one hand, neuroimaging studies use a correlational approach which cannot offer a final proof for such claims, available neuropsychological data fail to offer a conclusive demonstration for two main reasons: they use tasks taxing both language and action systems; and they rarely consider the possibility that Broca's aphasics may also be affected by some form of apraxia.


This is very rarely for the litigation,but it is possibility for the international arbitration.


She is challenged by arduousness of new possibility, by her potential of creativity and long-cherished dreams.


In the fourth part, I have principally assayed the opportunities and challenges that China probably will face in the course of peace rise, analyzed the arduousness and possibility of Chinese peace rise.


The reason why she dares to make large pottery sculpture has something to do with her life and the city where she is living now. She is challenged by arduousness of new possibility, by her potential of creativity and long-cherished dreams.


By using the comprehensive theory and method developed in the thesis, we can classify the size of rockburst possibility of a specific mine before mining, export the possible rockburst area in graph.


How do these oppositions develop the Aristotelian opposition between probability and possibility?


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Non-Zero Possibility
A Possibility
It's A Possibility
The Possibility Of Life's Destuction

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
