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与 portray 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And then, perhaps, our artists will develope a new conscience, will throw over all the cumbrous machinery of merely curious representation, and will seek to portray only the essential elements of things.


The idea is to portray war inside of the men….the soldier is dead, but he just doesn't know it, so he just keeps on fighting.


Regarding "Makes Feudal official" and "La Deme Aux Camelias" center two leading ladies Gill reaches with a Uygur Austria row tower, The soprano are take can be accurate, vividly portray these two people image as the honors.


Johnny Depp has revealed that he would like to portray a woman in a future film project.


Let me do a dual-purpose digression and explanation to ensure that you have a reasonably decent grasp of what it is I'm trying to portray here...


It is a new academic attempt to introduce the discrete time interval to portray the characteristics of extreme volatility.


The party still sees it as essential to its legitimacy to portray the country as a victim of Western efforts to contain and dismember it.


The "dithyramb′ s spirit"is the typical token of the west sports culture , the "Phoebus′spirit"is true portray of Chinese ancient sports culture.

摘 要:古希腊奥林匹克运动是西方竞技体育的发源,中国古代体育是中国传统竞技体育的始端,"酒神精神"是西方竞技体育文化的典型表征,"日神精神"是中国古代竞技体育文化的真实写照。

By incorporating strings, organ, double bass, and heavy guitar they are able to portray their message in a unique and powerful way.


This text passes the writing background of divertimento and analysis of the works of"""""""" tour in winter"""""""" to romanticism composer Schubert, Propose that this structure is huge, and has all achieved the artistic characteristics of the divertimento of very high achievement in characterization and psychology portrayed: Expressing the deep thought with the tactics that suggest, development music and ideal of the literature poesy are combined ; The creative development piano accompanies on the functional function of art, the artistic conception of making every effort to portray the musical image and playing up the song from many aspects; The song is tuneful and smooth naturally, has folk song and succinct and simple; It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
