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与 portion 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The straight excretory portion of the duct, which opens into the infundibular portion of the hair follicle, is composed of a double layer of cuboidal epithelial cells.


The experiments show that one portion of amino organic compounds in the shell is changed to the volatilizable amine and the other portion is transformed to the involatile nitrate after pyrogenation.The organic compounds disappear completely at 600℃.They also show that the aragonite phase of calcium carbonate in pearl shell chang with temperature;the aragonite phase transforms to calcite at 500℃, but some of organic compounds is still residual;and calcium carbonate begins to decompose to calcium oxide at 600℃.


Results 107 patients were treated with half gland and isthmic portion excision, 43 patients among which were treated with lymph node dissection ;306 patients were treated with half gland and isthmic portion and majority opposite side excision,163 patients among which were treated with lymph node dissection ;and both side of thyroid was removed with half lymph node dissection in 46 patients; 1, 3 and 5 years surviving rate of thyroid carcinoma after operation were 99.0%, 96.5% and 92.6%.

结果 单侧腺叶,峡部切除64例;单侧腺叶,峡部加同侧颈淋巴结清除术43例;单侧腺叶,峡部,对侧腺叶次全切143例;单侧腺叶,峡部,对侧腺叶次全切加同侧颈淋巴结清除术163例;双侧甲状腺全切术加一侧颈淋巴结清扫术46例;局部姑息性切除术28例。

The flap portion is moveably coupled to the body portion proximate the second edge and is moveable between a rotary flight position and a forward flight position.


The nonbiological portion will grow of 1,000 per decade, and the biological portion will ultimately be very insignificant.


Add pandan essence to one portion and red coloring to another portion.


Blade carrier assemblies are capable of being selectively and removably attached to the main body portion and include a moveable blade portion having a drive pin slot.


If one loses a portion of the ascension grid work, then the portion of the etheric body that was to become rewoven is left unattended to; this can lead to disease in ascension if not rectified over time.


The findings: with the apparent dominant frequency of the Ricker wavelet rising, the detection SNR will get worse gradually, it is obvious that the variety of the SNR is slower during the portion of high frequency than during the portion of low frequency; in the usual range of seismic prospecting frequency, the SNR of the chaotic oscillator detection system could partially make up the amplitude attenuation aroused by the transmit of the seismic wave; the results could provide help for detecting the event constituted by aberrant wavelets.


The method according to claim 6, for manufacturing a blade wherein a part external to the shell comprises a blade rooting part having at least one attachment bar, in which an end portion for linkage to a hub of said rotor is fitted with a laminate attachment, also comprising thermoplastic composite, and extending said at least one spar bar housed in the shell, the method further comprising the step of producing the elementary piece comprising the at least one spar by producing each attachment bar and the spar bar in the form of a strip of continuous and unidirectional reinforcing fibres which are agglomerated by said thermoplastic matrix, obtained by pultrusion at a melting temperature of the matrix, of several plies of continuous and unidirectional fibres which are agglomerated by said matrix, and, if said rooting part comprises at least two attachment bars, each one of which respectively extends one spar bar, in superimposing parts of corresponding strips forming the spar part housed in the shell, with interposition of at least one ply of continuous and unidirectional fibres which are agglomerated by said matrix between the adjacent superimposed strip parts, and fitting a removable tool, in the shape of a wedge, between parts held spaced from each other of two neighbouring strips, to form two attachment bars of the rooting part, then arranging the strips in a mould, and inserting each linkage end portion of a pultruded strip between two laminate elements of the attachment, to superimpose all the laminate elements of the attachment, closing the mould and compacting its contents under pressure and at a melting temperature of said thermoplastic matrix, and solidifying the matrix by cooling to rigidify the spar thus obtained with the laminate attachment solidly attached to its rooting part.

该方法根据索赔六,制造业刀片其中的一部分,罐壳外部包括一个叶片生根的一部分,拥有至少一个实习酒吧,在其中一结束部分为联系枢纽的说,转子是带有附件的层压板,也包括热塑性复合材料,并延长说,至少有一石酒吧住在蚬壳公司,进一步组成的方法步骤,生产初级一块组成的至少有一个SPAR公司生产每个附件的酒吧和酒吧在SPAR公司的形式,带不断加强和单向纤维是由烧结说,热塑性矩阵,得到的拉挤在熔化温度矩阵,数层的连续和单向纤维是由烧结说,矩阵,如果说,生根部分组成,至少有两个实习酒吧,每个人都分别延长一石酒吧,在叠加部分,相应的带形成的SPAR公司的一部分,居住在蚬壳公司,与干预的至少有一单层连续和单向纤维是由烧结说,矩阵之间的毗邻叠加条形零件,及装修一个可移动的工具,在形状,离间,部分之间举行的间隔从对方的两个邻国带,形成两个附件酒吧的生根部分,然后安排带在一个模具,并插入每个联系年底部分一拉挤带之间的二板的要素扣押,叠加所有层压板的要素扣押,关闭模具和压缩其内容的压力下和在熔化温度说,热塑性矩阵,并巩固矩阵冷却 rigidify该SPAR公司,从而获得与层压板的附着牢固重视其生根的一部分。

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My Portion You Will Ever Be

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
