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与 portfolio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition to individual scorecards and investor maps we also have the ability to capture dashboards which is really about portfolio level rolled up information.


In 2003, ASC Fine Wines enhanced its portfolio when it became the China distributor for Riedel, the world's leading producer of quality wine glasses and decanters.


This part Measures firms" size with market value of float shares, and divides each portfolio into quintiles and deciles to choose an appropriate grouping method. The second part divides the sample into two sub-samples to tests the different performance of "small firm effect" in two periods. The third part tests different performance of each month. The fourth part studies the "small firm effect" in five industries, the industry, the commerce, the public utilities, conglomerates and the properties, and uses Fame-Macbeth method to research "the small firm effect" in the different industries. The fifth part analyzes the reason why the "small firm effect" exists in China stock market referring to the western explanation about "the small firm effect and the character of China stock market. In the end, we provide some suggestion.


Billion of disposals, creating a balanced portfolio of high quality


Our product portfolio ranges from positioners, advanced control systems to end effectors and tools for the micro- and nanoworld.


The thunder D says:Important is the accurate fixed position of the portfolio, so, ignore a market a dynasty which direction development, spend ensigns all can't a have no acquisition

雷丁说:重要的是将投资组合准确定位,这样,不管市场朝哪个方向发展,花旗都不会一无所获埃 Rice ·thunder D:Risk investment house

These expertises as well as our numerous specialists in the field of optical testing and micro technology assembly and testing complete our extensive portfolio.


This issue is to design a precision milling Fork face a combination of both sides of the flange milling machine milling machine major to complete the overall design portfolio and a dedicated fixture design.

摘 要本课题就是设计一台精铣叉形凸缘两侧面的组合铣床次要完成组合铣床的总体设计及其专用夹具的设计。

My modest five-figure portfolio of shares has performed well, and I give my adult children and the local church an occasional £500 out of the profits.


Writing to FLASH Main achieve one set of data then read out, the design includes the basic subroutine M25P80 operation, readers can request in accordance with the actual portfolio of their own procedures required.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
