英语人>网络例句>portfolio 相关的网络例句

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与 portfolio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"The Jeep Patriot EV expands our portfolio of ENVI electric-drive vehicles and is just one more example of what is possible through the technology Chrysler is developing," said Lou Rhodes, President,- ENVI, and Vice President, Advance Vehicle Engineering, Chrysler LLC.

&吉普爱国者扩展了我们的肠病毒ENVI提取电力驱动汽车组合,仅仅是对如何通过技术发展可能是克莱斯勒的例子,说:&娄罗得岛,总统,- ENVI提取,副总统,先进车辆工程,克莱斯勒有限责任公司。

Further, value-weighted portfolio-matching approaches are better specified and more powerful than equal-weighted approaches.


In the weighted of portfolio ,we choose equal-weighted, value-weighted, liquidity-weighted and the combination of LW and VW as/2 to calculate the return each.


By utilizing stock index option to insurance stock portfolio, we choose VAR as its objective, establish balance between hedging cost and VAR, and get nonlinear equation which optimal strike price satisfies.


In chapter3, information is divided into two basic types, the marginal equation of bond price and short-term interest variations is established, thus the security price variations and the price equilibrium of other assets (risk security non-risk security are included) are analyzed by the implement of portfolio Theory.


In chapter3, information is divided into two basic types, the marginal equation of bond price and short-term interest variations is established, thus the security price variations and the price equilibrium of other assets (risk security non-risk security are included) are analyzed by the implement of portfolio Theory. Finally the bond value equation which takes equilibrium return as its yield Parameter is established through the theory of comparative return. In chapter 4, the intra-information and the transferable system of price is emphasized and the market-maker model and expected model under non-perfect information market conditions are established, and the disaccord of the influence of extra-information and intra-information on the security price is discussed.


ABS is a global solutions provider in wastewater technology with a complete product portfolio of pumps, mixers, aerators, compressors, control and monitoring equipment, and services.


This article amylases the closed funds' discount and theirs investment style based on the behavioral portfolio theory and also review the investors' de...


Our product portfolio Almirah-small and large, bar, bed, bedsides, bench,bookshelf, box , CD racks, chairs, drawers, dining sets, frames for photos and mirrors, hutch, screen.sideboard, sofa, swing, TVcabinets, TV stands, table and other miscellaneous artistic Items.


Securities on their behalves, he has never been registered as a portfolio


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
