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与 portfolio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That appears to be a problem, because when valuating a company's worth based on its brand-asset portfolio, many elements differ from company to company.


If, then, the deal is essentially a portfolio one, it veers towards the bold.


Our goal is to provide a comprehensive portfolio of good quality and best value wines from all over the world .


When they're 45, their portfolio will be worth $4.75 million, according to his calculations.


It reinforces the solutions portfolio that we offer to our customers in one of the most promising regions of the world.


Using yellow orange and amber colors portfolio is a personal charm, and add a little yellow colours will be issued by the splendor, always controversial love.


Instead, he had come to look upon his political satires as a kind of public service, and justified them as a patriot's duty. When, in 1800, his integrity was called into question during a protracted financial and legal dispute over an abortive commission to supply a portfolio of prints to accompany a planned follow-up to the Anti-Jacobin , Gillray seems to have been genuinely distraught that an opportunity 'to serve a Cause which I thought myself honored in suffering every disadvantage for' had come to nothing.


At financing stage, time value mechanism of currency asset requests homogeneous quality and price; while at purchasing stage, market price mechanism of Commodity assets needs heterogeneous equivalent between quality and price; but at producing stage, factors portfolio requires different value increase; and at allocating stage, corporate governing mechanism requires the allocation based on factors' contribution.


Further fuel consumption improvement s can be made by using the specially designed Shell Fuel Economy Portfolio of Rimula Ultra 5W-30 in conjunction with Spirax GSX and Spirax ASX gear and axle oils and Retinax grease.

如果使用壳牌公司特别设计的低燃油消耗系列润滑油:劲霸 Ultra 5W-30,施倍力Spirax GSX 和施倍力Spirax ASX齿轮润滑油和桥润滑油,以及能得力Retinax润滑脂,就可以进一步降低燃油消耗。

Metro : Urban overall urban planning to determine the concentration of Metro Metro portfolio development through to create something new urban landscape axle, and guide new west end expansion, forming the Dongcheng District, West City village and into a common "modular" Baoshan Metro space pattern.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
