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与 portfolio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He was asked to join as a minister without portfolio.


Minister without portfolio ,ie a Cabinet Minister without responsibility for a particular department


Minister without portfolio,ie a cabinet Minister without responsibility for a particular department


Labour is to have four ministers with departments, one minister without portfolio, two deputy ministers, and the chairmanship of the Knesset foreign affairs and defence committee for part of the parliamentary term.


Minister without portfolio Ovid Tzeng recently protested on behalf of a Taiwanese Taekwondo contestant in fluent English during the Taekwondo competition in the East Asian Games in Hong Kong.


In 2003, under the guidance of Chi-Nan Chen, Minister without Portfolio, the Bureau of Commerce of the Ministry of Economic Affairs launched the Project of Local Industry Trading Centers.

中文摘要 2003年,政务委员陈其南指导经济部商业司推动「地方产业交流中心计画」。

And they have to carefully select the chief executive officer (minister without portfolio responsible for gender/women's affairs) to make sure that she has expertise, global perspective, managerial skills, political influence and commitment to feminist ideals.

二次战后,在联合国、欧盟、世界银行、APEC等国际组织和亚洲协会、福特基金会等美国援外机构大力促导之下,性别平等一直是国际社会关注的议题之一,并且随著国际政经情势的变化,以不同的语言,结合不同的策略,由外往内,给予各国政府压力和诱因,将性别平等建制化;同时也提供资金及论述,刺激和引导了在地妇女运动的发展。1946年联合国妇女地位委员会成立之后,以联合国为主的国际组织曾先后以提升妇女地位或促进性别平等为目标,要求各国政府设立妇女地位委员会(commission on the status of women)、发展妇女参与国家发展方案、设置妇女政策机制(women's policy machinery)或性别平等机制,均广为各国政府遵从,2004年165个国家都因而设有某种提倡两性平等的政府机制,1995年北京世界妇女大会提出性别主流化做为全球性策略之后,十余年间也蔚为国际风潮,甚至成为国家进步的指标。

Under the guidance of the Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan, the 2005 "Taiwan Overseas High-tech Talent Recruiting Mission", headed by Minister without a Portfolio Lin Ferng-ching, will be co-sponsored by the NSC and the MOEA and coordinated by the Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research, with assistance from the Science-based Industrial Park Administration etc...


Ministers and MPs - among them are NTUC Secretary-General and Minister without Portfolio Lim Boon Heng, Mayor Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, and MP Tan Cheng Bock - even adopted a "koyok selling" approach last month to drive home the important message in different dialects on Sars management.


Green Minister of Education Fan Hsun Lin Sheng-feng and Reconstruction Committee, deputy executive director (now the Minister without Portfolio), to play the most important government policy to promote the reformers, in the Tseng teachers, the Humanistic Education Foundation, Mr. Li Qiran Consultant, National Taiwan University Graduate The colleagues, Hsieh Ying-chun, Chen Chi-mai, Lin Chih-cheng, Lu Qin Wen architects, these ideals and a strong personality, a strong sense of people gathered birth was born.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
