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与 portfolio 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And we can capture that map as a version and share that version with our peers and with senior managers to understand if that would be the correct way to move forward in terms of the delivery of the portfolio and the program.


The fractional structure of the objective function maximizing RAROC makes it difficult to be solved. We noticed that in real financial practice, the expected return function and risk function of the portfolio are often homogeneous with the amount of investment.


The presentation "Capital Market Perspectives in the 5th year of the Bull Market – Asset Allocation Strategies for an international Investor" by Kai Franke, Chief Investment Officer of BHF-BANK in Frankfurt, will give you a detailed outlook for the economic and financial market perspectives and offer advice on how to structure the portfolio of a private investor in the current market environment.

本次研讨会邀请来自德国法兰克福 BHF 银行的首席投资顾问 Kai Franke 先生,为您讲述"第5个牛市年资本市场透析–国际投资者资产配置策略"。会上他将带您透析未来经济和金融市场的前景,教授作为私人投资者,如何在当今的市场环境中选择和构建资产投资组合。

He undertakes a wide portfolio of responsibilities within Gammon covering pre-construction, design, supply chain, environment, safety and quality control issues for the company's Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asian regional business activities.


Portfolio includes: Visualcom, Supportscope, Gemel, MedicinaNews, MG iVenture, etc.

投资案例包括:Visualcom, Supportscope, Gemel, MedicinaNews, MG iVenture, etc。

Counting is the combination of mathematics in one of the main content, and generating function is an important tool for counting, therefore, the mother of mathematical functions in the portfolio has an important position is to solve the problem of combination of powerful tools.


Colin Ashcroft, Account Director at Gilchrist, said: In addition to the pre-press services, we provide a portfolio of solutions to SMA.


By holding an investment that does the reverse of the stock market,'it's a way to take some of the volatility out of a portfolio,' Mr. Glazer says.


If you have extra cash and are looking for more secure ways to diversify your investment portfolio, now is the best time to go shopping for art pieces.


The comments indicate that China will buy more gold to improve its foreign reserve portfolio.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
