英语人>网络例句>polysemy 相关的网络例句

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与 polysemy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper is a study of the polysemy of a localizer 头 as distributed in different Chinese dialects.


Polysemy is discussed from the perspective of prototype, cognitive metaphor and metonymy, discovering that a polysemic word constitutes a semantic category with its primary meaning as the prototype while other members in that category are derived from it, exhibiting a family resemblance and degrees of typicality as well, and that the extension of word meaning is mainly achieved through metonymical thinking based upon contiguity and metaphorical thinking based upon similarity.


From different perspectives, we get different findings and rules, which constitute the verdicts of our research, and the following are some of them.1,Apart from the objectivity, variability, polysemy and cultural specificity, the semantic features shared by body terms and other nouns, body terms owns its unique semantic features, viz systematically metaphorical and metonymical properties.


Synchronically,polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of variouis meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time.


Mainly according to cooperation principle and relevance theory, the judgment and recognition of the rhetoric of double meanings, the regularity taking on when its deep meaning is revivified and cognized are induced; and at the same exhibiting specifically the meaning reasoning process of the acceptor of the rhetoric of double meanings of polysemy, synonymy, and antonym.


C:0ne of the major features of English vocabulary is polysemy—many meanings.


According to John Fiske, the text refers to television text in particular as it is mostly the representation of the popular culture. In Fiske's point of view, the text is an activated one, in which is of multi-level as well, and it is definitely not a "writerly text" but a "producerly text", characterized by its intertextuality and polysemy.


Based on prototype theory and following the principle of family resemblance, cognitive process of lexical polysemy is established through prototype shift and prototype split and by the cognitive mechanisms such as image schema, metonymy and metaphor.


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