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与 polymerization 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that when BSA was added with Gluma, polymerization of HEMA occurred.


When Gluma is applied in vivo, two reactions occur: first, GA reacts with part of the serum albumin in dentinal fluid, which induces a precipitation of serum albumin; and, second, the reaction of GA with serum albumin forms dihydropyridinium, whose disproportionation gives rise to free radicals, and the free radicals induce the polymerization of HEMA.

首次提出Gluma的脱敏机理为:当Gluma涂在过敏的牙本质上时,首先戊二醛交联牙本质液中的血清蛋白并产生沉淀;同时戊二醛与血清蛋白的反应产生二氢吡啶盐,它发生歧化反应,歧化过程中会有自由基产生,从而引发HEMA 聚合,生成另外一部分沉淀,这两部分沉淀共同堵住牙本质小管,起到了脱敏作用。

First, we synthesized a new monomer,1-(3\'-aminopropyl)-4-acrylamido-1,2,3-triazole hydrochloride,via click chemistry and its block copolymer with NIPAM, PNIPAM-b-PAPAT,via RAFT polymerization.On the basis of the reaction between amine groups of the PAPAT block and glutaric dialdehyde,core cross-linked and shell cross-linked micelles with inverted structures were prepared at 25℃and 50℃,respectively.


Hyperbranched aliphatic polyethers with narrow molecular weight distribution have been prepared via anionic polymerization of glycidol with rapid cation-exchange equilibrium.


Both star copolymer precursors are hydrolyzed in the acidic conditions, then the corresponding recovered star copolymers of EO and glycidol with multi pending hydroxylmethyls are esterified with 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide to produce the ATRP macroinitiators with multi pending bromoisobutyryl groups . Then the latters initiate the polymerization of styrene to form the corresponding amphiphilic three- and four-arm star PEO-g-PS.


Polyglycolide with a relatively high molecular weight and an inherent viscosity of 0.9 was prepared by means of suspension polymerization. In this special system the methyl silicon oil was acted as a disperse medium, and the glycolide was acted as a monomer.


Both direct synthesis and ring-opening polymerization can be utilized to prepare homo- and copolymers of lactic acid such as L-lactide, D-lactide, D, L-lactide, and glycolide.


The water-resistance agent with melamine and un-improved glyoxal as matrices has negative effects on the paper quality because of the polymerization potential of its own.


In the present work poly is prepared by chemical vapor deposition polymerization from [2.2] paracyclophane. Thermal gravimetrical analysis is used to study the thermal degradation. It is found that the onset of thermal degradation of poly in air is much lower than that in N2 due to the existence of O2 in the air.


The synthesized PCU was then characterized by infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, small-angle X-ray scattering, and tensile strength measurement. The IR showed that the polymer synthesized by the above two methods both have the polycarbonate-urethane structure and the tensile measurement showed good mechanical performance of the polymer. The DSC and TGA data showed that there is an obvious soft-hard glass transition area, which indicated the existence of the micro-phase separation structure. The extent of the phase separation was affected by the ratio of starting materials, the molecular weight of PCD, and the polymerization method. The decomposition upon heating was observed in two steps. SAXS result showed that the radius (r_2), the distance between domains (d_2), and gyral radius (R_2) of hard segment micro-domain were fairly affected by the starting materials ratio and soft segment content.

IR结果表明两种方法合成的聚合产物均具有聚碳酸酯聚氨酯的结构;拉伸实验表明聚合产物具有良好的力学性能;DSC、TG结果表明,聚合物呈现出较为明显的软硬段玻璃化转变区,表明存在微相分离的结构,相分离的程度受原料配比、软段分子量、聚合方法的影响,其热分解分为明显的两个阶段; SAXS结果表明,聚合物原料配比、软段含量的变化对硬段微区回旋半径R_2,微区间距d_2,微区半径r_2影响不大其值分别为9.5(A|°、29、7.4,但对软段的微区半径及间距影响较大,随着软段含量的增大,软段微区的半径r1和间距d1都增大。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
