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与 polymerization 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The IR analyses proved that the polymerization effects really occurred. The BET adsorption test indicated that the adsorption amount of MIPMs to LMD was as three times as that of non-imprinted microspheres. The controlled release test indicated that the release ratio of LMD on NIPMs was linearly increased with increasing time, which suggests that the release process is completely controlled by diffusion. Meanwhile, the release ratio of LMD on MIPMs was curvedly increased with increasing time, which indicates that the release process is controlled by both diffusion and the imprinting effect.

药物扩散实验表明, LMD在非印迹微球上的释药率几乎与时间呈直线关系,说明其释药过程完全受扩散控制;而LMD在MIPMs上的释药率则呈曲线上升趋势,说明其释药过程除了受扩散控制外,还受到药物模板分子与MIPMs之间的印迹效应的协同作用的控制,从而达到了缓释药物分子的目的。

The results were found as following:(1) The damage value increases more significantly with the increase in PVF before 30% PVF, beyond which the increasing trend becomes gradually gentle.(2)Keeping the interphase strength and PVF unchanged, the damage increase with increasing moisture concentration in a nearly linear relation.(3)The results generated from the FCC model with consideration of the interphase debonding are in good agreement with the experimental data, meanwhile, the FCC model is also capable of predicting the critical load for the damaged and the undamaged dental composite subject too the 3-point flexural test.4 A 3D-fmite element analysis has been successfully exploited to examine the mechanical behavior of the restoration-tooth structure under the polymerization shrinkage and water sorption. It was found:(1) The low stiffness of the composite has the effect to limit the displacement occurring in the remaining tooth tissue. For lower interphase, the cuspal flexures are litter higher. The high interphase modulus acts as a \'shielding effect\' for stress transfer.

得到如下结论:(1)相同的吸湿性,在30%PVF(颗粒体积分数:Particle volume fraction,PVF)前增加PVF,层间脱胶损伤值显著增加;此后损伤值的增加趋于平缓;(2)保持层间强度和PVF不变,层间脱胶损伤随吸湿率的增加而接近线性增加;(3)FCC(面心立方:Face-centred cubic,FCC)模型层间脱胶损伤的预测结果和实验数据基本吻合;同时此模型可以用于预测牙齿填充材料三点弯曲实验的临界载荷。4、建立理想牙齿修复结构,利用有限元方法研究了同时考虑聚合收缩和吸湿膨胀耦合作用下的填充修复材料和粘结界面层材料性能对牙齿修复结构的力学行为的影响,得到如下结论:(1)低弹性模量的牙齿填充修复材料能限制天然牙组织的位移,但天然牙组织的位移与粘结界面层的弹性模量无关。

Objective To prepare the sustained-release pellets of Ginkgo leaves sustained-release pellets using the polymerization(PLA-PCL-PLA) of εcyclohexyl lactone polylactic acid as carrier,and test the release rate.


By simulation, the optimal operation conditions were gained in every step in the separation process, and polymerization-class isoprene was gained by the process. And to improve the economy of process, the process was studied by simulation, 99% cyclopentene and 1, 3-pentadiene were gained by continuous separation process. All were the base of the process industrialization.


The paper reviews the progress of ionic liquids as microwave mediums or catalysts in the fields of organic synthesis, mainly including cyclization, nucleophilic substitution, ring closing metathesis, acylation, rearrangement, polymerization, coupling, oxidation and reduction as well as selective debromination, etc.


The paper reviews the progress of ionic liquids as microwave medium or catalyst in the fields of organic synthesis, mainly including cyclization reation, nucleophilic subsitution reaction, metathesis reaction, acylation reation, rearragement reaction, polymerization reaction, coupling reaction, oxidation and reduction reaction as well as selective debromination reaction etc.


The polymerization of decene to prepare synthetic lube base oil over AlCl3/TiCl4 catalyst was studied.


Test results showed that AlCl3/TiCl4 catalyst was the preferred catalyst system for polymerization of decene to prepare PAO.


In order to advance the viscosity of acidizing fluid and decrease the reaction speed of acidizing fluid in oil formation,adopt the method of opposite phase emulsim polymerization synthetised an acidizing fluid densifier,it called TP-1,its molecular weight is(800~1100)×10.laboratory findings discovers the acid dissolving time of TP-1 is smaller than 10 min,its dissolv...

性能评价试验结果显示,稠化剂TP-1的酸溶时间小于10 m in,具有很好的溶解能力;TP-1对酸液的增黏作用明显,(4%TP-1+20%HC l)酸溶液90℃下表观黏度达到46 mPa.s,120℃下表观黏度27 mPa.s。同时TP-1表现出较强的耐剪切能力和良好的配制稳定性,有利于酸化措施效果的提高。

A conjugation small molecule containing both 3T moiety and diacetylene moiety is synthesized. It will be interesting to investigate the potential application in FET of the cubic organic semiconductor formed by topology polymerization.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
