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与 polymeric 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furthermore, according to the summing-up of water treatment for the Chaohu Lake, the measures, such as pre-oxidation to water source-polymeric aluminum-ferric and ferrous surplus chlorine coagulation- HCA concretional aid-cl.

文章对巢湖微污染水质的特点及形成原因进行了深入的研究;对氨氮、藻类、p H值、异味等四个特征指标的变化规律做了详细论述;对以巢湖为水源的水处理技术进行了总结,提出了源水预氧化—聚合铝铁、亚铁氯化联合混凝— HCA 助凝—除臭剂、活性碳联用去除异味—微絮凝的高效率水处理模式,不仅在合肥供水集团有限公司取得了非常良好的应用效果,也可为其它以内陆湖泊为水源的制水厂所借鉴。

Cation group has the capability of charge neutrality and this would make oily wastewater demulsify and remove oil easily. Hydrophobic group would improve hydrophobic-oleophilic nature of the oil granule. Simultaneously, wetting reversed agent would change wetting performance of oil granule, enhance conglutination capability between air bubble and oil granule. And Frother would form bigger foam layer on the water, so it could prevnt granule with air bubble from rolling downward.Using the hydrophobic polymeric flocculant as one of ingredients for flotation agent formula, the flotation agent has good treatment effect.


In the passivated REBAR electrode surface formed by ORCs the grain observed from AFM examination is composed of γ-Fe〓O〓 and Fe〓O〓 0 At+0.7V, the passive film on REBAR electrode formed by single-step polarization is composed of Fe (Ⅲ oxide highly doped by Fe〓. In some areas, small γ-Fe〓O〓 particals or some polymeric structure which contains dioxy and dihydroxy bridging bonds between the iron atoms may also exist in the other region.

通过AFM实验观察到的钢筋电极经循环电位扫描至+0.7V形成的钝化膜中具有的结晶颗粒主要由γ-Fe〓O〓和Fe〓O〓·yH〓O0 阶跃电位形成的钢筋钝化膜在+0.7V下主要是由掺杂了大量Fe〓的三价铁氧化物构成,在某些微小的区域可能存在γ-Fe〓O〓微晶,而在另外一些区域则具有聚合物膜的结构。

5Nm ×5. 3nm. It can be seen in monomeric, dimeric and other polymeric forms.


Being Compared contact angle changes of various adhesives on different surface of Moso bamboo and Chinese fir with the coefficients of penetrability, it was found that wettiability of polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate adhesive was much better than emulsion polymer isocyanate adhesive, wettiability of phenol-formaldehyde adhesive and urea-formaldehyde adhesive were in the middle of above two adhesives.


The polymer of the over coat is dissolvable in a solvent that does not dissolve the polymeric base coat during application of the over coat.


The title nano-sized polymeric microgels were synthesized by emulsion polymerization method,using divinyl benzene as crosslinking agent and methyl methacrylate,hydroxyl ethyl methacrylate,butyl acrylate as monomers.


ABSTRACT This thesis is devoted to the study on the characteristics of polymeric film bearings with polymer films electrochemically deposit...


Modified antisense PNA, electrostatically bound to the surface of specifically designed polymeric coreshell microspheres.


Three components of peroxide in the activator amongwhich have the different decomposed temperatures made the Vinyl-ester resinsolidified heat discharge increased that gained a bigger solidified degree. Theactivator-adopted quantity can dramatically affect the casting samples performance:eg. When use 1.0-1.4 portions of activator, the casing sample can reach its maximumTensile strength and Bend strength; when use more activator, the polymeric meshworkcontracted which embrittle the casing sample and reduce the dynamic performance; Inthe Pultrusion processing, when CF composed of about 60vo1%, more demould agentcan bring the better processing but degrade the CFRP, normally use around 1.2 portion.

采用具有不同分解温度的三组分有机过氧化物引发剂,乙烯基酯树脂的固化反应放热量增加,固化程度提高;引发剂用量对浇注体的性能影响很大,在用量为 1.0~1.4 份时,浇注体拉伸强度剂弯曲强度达到最高,过多的引发剂使聚合网络减小,浇注体变脆,力学性能降低;在拉挤成型工艺中,碳纤维的体积含量一般为 60%左右,脱模剂增加使加工性能好转但会使复合材料性能下降,一般用量为 1.2 份。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
