英语人>网络例句>poly 相关的网络例句
与 poly 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In Smad pathway, by using cyclohexamide and proteosome inhibitor MG132, we showed that BMP-2 significantly increased inhibitory Smad ( i.e., Smad7) and down-regulated the half-life and protein levels of TbetaRI by poly-ubiquitination and proteosomal degradation.

在 Smad 讯息路径中,藉由转译抑制剂,cycloheximide 以及 proteosome 抑制剂,MG-132的刺激,我们发现第二型骨头成形蛋白可显著增加抑制型 Smad:Smad7的表现,使第一型乙型转形生长因子接受器走向 ubiquitin-proteosome 的水解路径,进而降低第一型乙型转形生长因子接受器的半衰期及蛋白质表现。

Results A new kind of protozoa was found in the blood of sicked pigs is poly...

结果 在发病猪群中检查到了一种新的血液原虫。

Poly(1-alk-1-viny pyridinium halides) have also been shown to be good negative electron beam resists with sensitivities as high as 5uCcm-2 in a 20kV electron beam and line widths as low as 0.3um.

波河 (单一 alk 的-1-葡萄树的 pyridinium 卤化物)也已经被显示很好否定的电子光线以敏感 20 仟伏电子光线和线宽度的像 5uCcm-2 一样的高度像 0.3um 一样的低点抵抗。

Relative contents of four main cellular proteins corresponding to MALDI-TOF-MS peaks m/z 4466, m/z 6455, m/z 6514, and m/z 7772 were all found to be close correlated with the concentration of melamine, although their up- and/or down-regulations showed different patterns when the concentration of melamine changed. Support vector regression leave-one-out method, with the optimized polynomial kernel function and a poly-degree of 3, was chose to evaluate the correlation between the alteration of Tetrahymena pyriformis main proteins'relative contents and the concentration of melamine in the culture medium.

支持向量机软件中支持向量回归support vector regressi(来源:A3cBC17论b1文网www.abclunwen.comon, SVR留一法预报结果表明,选用幂指数为3的多项式核函数进行建模,相对误差的平均值为7.238%,说明梨形四膜虫主要蛋白质相对含量的变化与培养基中三聚氰胺浓度变化相关。

The synthesis of poly was based on 4,4′-oxydianiline and pyromellitic dianhydride.


A series of polyimide/talc composite films with different contents of talc were prepared via thermal imidization of in-situ polymerized poly/talc solutions based on pyromellitic anhydride, 4,4'-oxydianiline and talc.


Large quantities of spheric silver colloidal particles, which were protected by poly vinyl pyrrolidone,can be converted into flake silver powders using photoinduced method.


The results showed that there was a more better effect of filmformation and absorbency to use poly 1788 as an adhesive and polyvinyl pyrrolidone(K:90) as a hydrophilic polymer. The silicon dioxide with particle size 0.3-1 μm as a inorganic pigment had a better absorbency. The polyethylene glycol modified with ethylenediamine had a more better characteristic of dye immobilization, absorbency and definition than the polyethylene glycol modified with diethylenetriamine, of which the polyethylene glycol of molecular weight of 400 modifiedwith ethylenediamine had more best performance.

研究结果表明:采用聚乙烯醇1788作黏合剂、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(K值为90)作亲水性高分子可得到比较理想的成膜效果和吸墨效果;粒径分布范围在0.3-1 μm的二氧化硅作为无机颜料具有较好的吸墨性能;用乙二胺改性的聚乙二醇比用二乙三胺改性的聚乙二醇具有更好的固墨性、吸墨效果以及清晰度,其中乙二胺改性的分子量为400的聚乙二醇所得到的烷基多胺的效果为最好。

Thus it is presented an effective RNA extraction method based on the nuclease adsorbent macaloid, poly vinyl pyrrolidone, and high concentration of KAc and ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, which has successfully extracted high-quality RNA from many materials difficult to RNA isolation, such as RNase-rich rabbit liver, plant and microbial tissues rich in polysaccharides, lipids and polyphenol compounds.


Enhanced edge degradation results in increasededge oxide thickness during the poly reoxidation step.


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Roly Poly
Roly Poly
Roly Poly
Roly Poly
Roly Poly
Too High (Poly High)

The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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