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For their quick and effective missionary work and translation of The Bible, Missionaries created many ethnic characters, including Miao, Yi, Lisu, Nu, Naxi, Jingpo, Lahu, Va, Bulang, Hani, Li, Gaoshan, etc., which can be classified into Latin or its anamorphosis, Pollard, Chinese phonetic notation and Chinese characters.
邓章应(1977-),男,四川开江人,内江师范学院讲师,华东师范大学博士生主要研究方向为少数民族文字、比较文字学。四川内江 641112 传教士为了快速有效的传播教义,翻译《圣经》,创制了多种民族文字。涉及民族众多,计有苗、彝、傈僳、怒、纳西、景颇、拉祐、佤、布朗、哈尼、黎、高山等。
Disgusted, Taylor ended Laura Skye's relationship with Barmy but chose to stay with Pollard in real life.
Distance and money have kept Pollard and Brinkley apart, but they chat on the phone for two hours every night and, Brinkley said, they have the same goals in life.
The Mini Clubman is hardly practical, but its sheer madness makes it hot property, says Tim Pollard
全新迷你 Clubman型轿车有着惊人的实用性,但其透着纯粹疯狂的时尚气质仍令其成为炙手可热的追捧对象。
To find out, Pollard began working with the wet lab, led by Sofie Salama.
为了发现事实真相,Pollard开始与Sofie Salama。领导的生物实验室共同工作。
Economopoulos was told by the agent of Pollard Co. that he had stolen a handkerchief.
Amy Taylor, 28, said she had caught husband David Pollard, 40, having sex with an animated woman.
年方28的Amy Taylor说她将自己的丈夫,40岁的David Pollard和虚拟女性在OOXX时当场抓获。
Vicky pollard has got a lot of attention in Iceland and it will be interesting to see what the future brings.
毋庸置疑,Vicky Pollard已经在冰岛引起了广泛的赞誉,而将来她们必将也大有作为。
Economopoulos was told by the agent of Pollard Co.
D是Pollard 公司的代理人,曾经说过P偷手帕。
Similarly, there are simple randomized in-place algorithms for primality testing such as the Miller-Rabin primality test , and there are also simple in-place randomized factoring algorithms such as Pollard's rho algorithm .
类似地,对於质数测试有简单的随机化原地算法像是米勒-拉宾检验,也有简单原地随机化整数分解算法像是 Pollard's rho 算法。
- 推荐网络例句
With Death guitarist Schuldiner adopting vocal duties, the band made a major impact on the scene.
But he could still end up breakfasting on Swiss-government issue muesli because all six are accused of nicking around 45 million pounds they should have paid to FIFA.
Closes the eye, the deep breathing, all no longer are the dreams as if......