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When smashing monuments,' the Polish satirist Stanislaw Lec once remarked,'save the pedestals---they always come in handy.'


Stellite takes a high polish and is used in steel valve seat rings.


In 1931, the TK-3 tankette was accepted for the Polish Army as a standard equipment.


The later, more sophisticated self-propelled gun model on the tankette base, was the TKS-D. Its development process was not typical, because it was first conceived as an armoured tractor for a modern 37mm wz.36 Bofors anti-tank gun, which was accepted as a basic Polish anti-tank weapon.

之后,在超轻型坦克的基础上又开发了一种更复杂的自行火炮型号—TKS-D,它的研制过程没有什么代表性,因为最初是想象早装甲牵引车上安装一门现代的wz.36 Bofors 37mm反坦克炮,这是波兰最基础的反坦克武器。

RESULTS: During 10 - 12 weeks, in cuntrol group: The defect area was repaired by white and soft tissue that had no resistance to press. The repaired tissue was still lower than the surrounding articular surface with clear boundary. By histological observation, it was found that the defect was repaired by the mechanism similar to inflammatory reaction and the defect is ultimately filled by the hyperplasia of hyaline degenerative fibrous tissues. In filling group: the defect was repaired by semi-transparent, smooth, textured tissues with polish that had resistance to press as well as elasticity. The repaired tissue was almost similar to the shape of the surrounding cartilage,difficult to be distinguished. After histological observation, it was found that there was no inflammatory reaction, but active hyperplasia of inner bonetissue and cartilage tissues; a lot of osteoid tissues and trabeculation were found. Newlborn cartilage was fused with surrounding cartilage tissue and connected with surrounding tissues.


JOSEPH CONRAD'S real name—Josef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski—seems to express all the prickliness of his character and unassimilated knobbliness of his Polish background.

约瑟夫?康拉德本名Josef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski——这个名字似乎充分体现了他的刺儿头性格以及他的波兰背景赋予他的无法被同化的&拧巴&。

I try not to say stuff like this too often, but I think we really got it right. Though there are a few kinks to unkink and polish we still plan to add.


Any of vari substances, such as wax or glaze, used to give an object a gloss or polish.


This CD, titled Le Streghe 2, contains virtuosic violin works and was nominated for the FRYDERYK Phonographic Academy Award in 2001. A year later Wratislavia's next CD, Polish Music, also received a nomination for the FRYDERYK prize.

这张CD的标题是Le Streghe 2,包含小提琴大师的作品,获得2001年肖邦学院奖提名。2002年,该乐团的另一张CD&波兰音乐&也获得了肖邦学院奖提名。

Other Polish opposition figures could be waffly or provincial; it was hard to see them running the country.


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Ojciec (Father - Polish Version)
Polish Girl

What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
