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与 pod 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The cytochemical localization of POD showed that the peroxidase was found in cells ofboth cultivars after inoculation. The activity of POD in resistant cultivar was higher than that innot only the uninoculated controls but also the inoculated susceptible ones and localized morewidely, such as localized in mesophyll cell wall, intercellular spaces, membranes of chloroplastand mitochondrion and vacuolar membrane. Whereas the POD in susceptible cultivar waslocalized mainly in cell walls but little in plasma membrane with a lower range and intensitythan that in resistant cultivar.


Under the 6 h stress, SOD activity had been to maintain a high level, POD activity showed a greater change. When the stress lasted until 24 h, POD activity decreased and almost flatted compared with the control, this showed that POD activity was sensitive under the low temperature stress. Changes of CAT and SOD activity were in the line, the results indicated that activity of two enzymes coordinated the regulation of low-temperature adaptation.

本实验中,SOD活性一直保持较高的水平;POD活性表现为波动较大,当胁迫持续到24 h时,POD活性明显降低几乎与对照持平,说明POD受低温影响更敏感;CAT活性与SOD活性变化保持一致,表现出这两种酶在低温适应性调节过程中的协同作用。

The results showed that as to resistant material (R15), the activities of POD, CAT, SOD, APX increased and PAL kept stable in sheaths, in leaves the activity of POD、CAT and APX increased, SOD、PAL decreased; as to high susceptible material (478), the activities of POD and CAT increased in both sheaths and leaves, SOD increased in leaves but decreased in sheathes, both PAL and APX had no striking change.


Making pod coffee is both a ritual and a practical part of life although it is now possible to have coffee pod machines that brew individual cups of either filter or expresso pod coffee in seconds.


Eryou long-pod,which was derived from the unique long-pod mutant discovered in China,was crossed with the commercial broad rapeseed cultivar Zhongyou 821.From the crossing six basic generations were generated for studying the genetical behaviors of pod length and two related characters i.e.1000?


The results showed that the varieties and activity of POD isoenzyme expression exist in difference in anther of male sterility line and maintainer in different development stage in sweet pepper and hot pepper. POD isozyme activity of anther was very low in meiosis stage in male sterility line of sweet pepper. There is a POD special band in meiosis and pollen mature stage in male sterility line of pepper respectively.


Let me start by saying I currently own a POD 2.0 and the Vamp 2, and I have to say the sound quality on the Vamp is superior in every way to the POD. The sounds are much cleaner, and distortions are much more tube sounding and sponge-like than the POD.

让我从我现有的pod 2和vamp2说起,我必须说vamp2的音色比pod优越。vamp2音色比pod更干净,失真更有管味,更绵一点。

The results showed that the POD existed in the tentacles, respiratory tree and digestive system of Apostichopus japonicus. The activity of POD in epidermic layer of body wall and the outer layer of alimentary canal were weakly positive. POD in epidermis of tentacles were positive.


Shading experiments were designed according to low light intensity problem caused by intercropping system of peanut with maize or wheat et al. Fenghua1 and Fenghua2 were adopted in the experiment of four light intensity levels (CK in which the plants were grown under natural light, 27% shading, 43% shading and 77% shading), which carried out at three growth stage using black sunshade net. And the three stages were seedling phase, pod-setting phase and pod-maturing phase. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of low light on the photosynthetic characteristics, luminous energy distribute of PSⅡ, RuBPCase activitiy, plant morphogenesis, dry matter production, pod yield and quality of peanut at different stages, defined the relationship between dry matter accumulation and PAR, relationship of efficiency for solar energy utilization and PAR, and then set up the ...dry matter production and yield formation model on the basis of the experimental data.


The activity of POD in Qinguan is 251% of Fuji and the activity of PAL in Qinguan is 181% of Fuji in Apple Alternaria Blotch; The activity of POD in Qinguan is 195% of Fuji and the activity of PAL in Qinguan is 209% of Fuji in Apple Leaf Brown Spot.


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When Vampiro Gets High
Death Pod
Let Go
Maniac Killa
My Kind Of Girl
Black Rain
In Space
30 Minutes
30 Minut (30 Minutes)

Finally, the Knight strung a line between two of the monoliths and tied the horses up there.


T7zN/hyS0 The island lies south by east from here.


However, the design and research of 3D coaxial feeding head dont appear.
