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与 plenty 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of the most exciting changes in Kestrel haven't been mentioned yet, so there's still plenty to look forward to next week.


After reading plenty of relative literatures and collecting lots of first-hand datum, adopting rational methods and indexes, worked out the evaluation of the forest in Khotan drainage basin, including eight indirect service value and five direct service...


Damien Rice was born on the outskirts of Dublin in the early 70's and grew up in Celbridge Co. Kildare. He spent much of his childhood down by the River Liffey fishing...hours of catching little left plenty of time for thinking...

"Damien Rice声音的渲染力,甚至可以将歌曲的情绪化为实质,然后直接传到听者的心上,他对乐器的感觉和协调性也非常出色,可能是他小时候学过画的缘故,除了专辑封面和内页的插图出自他手之外,在他的吟唱之下,那些背景音乐仿佛组成了一幅异常美丽的图画。"

I have plenty of time to kill.


Plenty of power throughout the county, now has a 220 kilovolt substation 9, 110-kilovolt line 87 km, 85 km line of 35 KV, 10 KV lines 1063 kilometers, Taiwan, 3393 distribution transformers with a total capacity of 230,000 KVA.


There are plenty of easier slopes and Kitzbuhel is well-known for its many inexpensive ski schools.


There are plenty of easier slopes and Kitzbuhel is


There are plenty kf easier slipes and Kitzbuhel is well known for its many ski school.


He has collected plenty of knife money of ancient times.


With Wakefield struggling to find the touch of his trademark knuckleball, Wang would soon have plenty of backing as he continued to see what his pitches could and could not do against the division's top team.


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Pastures Of Plenty
Plenty Of Room
I Got Plenty Of Nothin'
Soldier Of Plenty
Pastures Of Plenty
The Land Of Plenty
Plenty Of Paper
I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'
Town Of Plenty
I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
