英语人>网络例句>plenty 相关的网络例句

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与 plenty 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are plenty of fishbowl uses that don't involve confining an animal in the bowl.


There are also plenty of potential fissures in Obamaworld.


Visualizin the realim of life and actuality Fuсk who's the baddest a person's status depends on salary And my mentality is, money orientated I'm destined to live the dream for all my peeps who never made it cause yeah, we were beginners in the hood as five percenter But somethin must of got in us cause all of us turned to sinners Now some, restin in peace and some are sittin in San Quentin Others such as myself are tryin to carry on tradition Keepin the schwepervesence street ghetto essence inside us Cause it provides us with the proper insight to guide us Even though, we know somehow we all gotta go but as long as we leavin thievin we'll be leavin with some kind of dough so, and to that day we expire and turn to vapors me and my capers-ll be somewhere stackin plenty papers Keepin it real, packin steel, gettin high Cause life's a bitch and then you die

让是绝对生活的现实主义形象化吧干,一个人为了薪水最坏的状态是什么?我的想法是,被钱所左右我注定要实现同龄人没有实现的梦因为,我们是穷区百分子五的开创者但是我们必须做点什么因为我们都是罪人现在,有些去世有些在 San Quentin监狱其余和我一样的还在坚持发扬传统坚持我们心中街头给我们的倔强不屈的精神因为他给了我们正确的想法来指引我们即使我们知道我们会离开不过只要我们离开了偷窃就离开了金钱所以,在我们离去升天的那天我和我的事业会在某处堆满金钱保持真实,带好家伙,high起来因为生活是个婊子之后你会死

Yes, it's true but Fix-It Utilities 7 Express itself is power enough with plenty of features for daily use, and it costs 14.95 or USD $29.99 normally.

是的,它的真实,但修补程序-它公用事业7表达本身就是权力不够用大量的功能,日常使用的,成本和IT 14.95美元或29.99美元,通常。

But plenty of rallies fizzle into nothing.


Instead of coffee, fizzy or sweetened drinks, have plenty of water and pure fruit juices.


I'm sure I'll get plenty of flack for this one .


Yet there is also plenty of space for individual flair and imagination.

然而, 也有大量的空间,便于个人洞察力和想象力。

In 2009 there was plenty of flam—symbolised by the meaningless Nobel peace prize, awarded for good intentions.


This hard slog will surely bring some joy for Republicans in the November mid-terms; but it will also reveal more about this opaque president. In 2009 there was plenty of flam—symbolised by the meaningless Nobel peace prize, awarded for good intentions.


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Pastures Of Plenty
Plenty Of Room
I Got Plenty Of Nothin'
Soldier Of Plenty
Pastures Of Plenty
The Land Of Plenty
Plenty Of Paper
I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'
Town Of Plenty
I Got Plenty O' Nuttin'

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
