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与 planes 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They produce many other things, including electric fans, steam turbines, planes, the first electric toasters.


It shows a novel type of layered structure, where dimers of distorted {CuO4} planes are connected by {CPO3} tetrahedra, forming an inorganic layer containing 4-, 8- and 14-member rings.


Just a week before, I had returned from a nine-day trip to Japan, flying almost 16 000 miles in six different planes.

就在之前,我从9天的访问日本回来一周,在6个不同飞行的飞机几乎16 000英里。

And assured that he was at the Catalans, they sat down under the budding foliage of the planes and sycamores, in the branches of which the birds were singing their welcome to one of the first days of spring.


Père Pamphile had seen Dantès pass not ten minutes before; and assured that he was at the Catalans, they sat down under the budding foliage of the planes and sycamores, in the branches of which the birds were singing their welcome to one of the first days of spring.


With 34-37 squadrons and up to 325 planes.


Pakistan has decided to buy in first stance two squadrons of these planes.


Pakistan has decided to buy in first stance two squadrons of these planes.


With Nazi forces advancing rapidly on the valley and British Spitfires desperately trying to draw German fire, the transport planes evacuated about 1,000 wounded partisans in a matter of hours.

纳粹军在山谷里快速前进,还有英军的喷火式战斗机在拼命设法吸引德军开火的同时,运输机在大约几小时内撤退了 1000 名左右游击队伤员。

Aluminum is used as the engineering material for planes and spaceships and it is both light and tough.


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Planes Fly
People Miss Planes
People In Planes
The Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Paper Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Lost Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
