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与 planes 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's important when borrowing parts from other planes to use all damage versions of those parts, like WingLOut_D0, D1, D2, and D3, plus D_CAP. Otherwise you'll get some strange effects from damage, like a mossie wing suddenly turning into a Bf-110 wing...

当你从其他机型借用某一部分的时候注意要使用这个部分的全部损伤模型如外段机翼的D0, D1, D2, D3,还有 D_CAP,不然损伤的时候就会很奇怪,比如中弹前是335的,中弹后就变成110的了

At first, bin Laden seemed to be a financier of terrorist operations, but over time we would learn that he was the head of a highly sophisticated terrorist organization, with access to large amounts of money beyond his own fortune, and with operatives in several countries, including Chechnya, Bosnia, and the Philippines. In 1995, after the war in Bosnia, we had thwarted mujahedin attempts to take over there and, in cooperation with local officials, had also stopped a plot to blow up a dozen planes flying out of the Philippines to the West Coast, but bin Laden's transnational network continued to grow.


The carrier said in a statement recently that the airplanes will be used to grow its domestic and intra-European routes. The airline has also specified that it wanted both planes to have fuel-saving blended winglets.


Expect troops on the ground, helicopters and planes in the air and advanced warships at sea.


One common explanation of UFOs is that they are just lights of planes in the sky.


And some travelers spent more than 12 hours sitting in planes on the tarmac.


And some travelers spent more than 12 hours sitting in planes on the tarmac.


Few planes went overhead, there were no turnpikes, and no one owned a power lawn mower for a hundred miles.


As fuel prices have climbed, a number of operators have turned to more fuel-efficient turboprop planes.


MA60 passenger planes used in the first of China's Aviation Industry Corporation I's Xi'an Aircraft Industry Company to develop, produce dual-engine turboprop aircraft, their safety, economy, comfort, maintainability and driving quality have reached a level of contemporary advanced regional jet.


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Planes Fly
People Miss Planes
People In Planes
The Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Paper Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Lost Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
