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与 planes 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Earth is lifting above the seven planes of the Kumaras, which govern the thought-form of judgment, greed, pain, suffering, fear, death, and lust.

地球正消散 Kumaras 统御的批判、贪婪、痛苦、受难、恐惧、死亡和性欲之思想形态的七个层面。

I mean, you should be riding in limousines and private planes.


The latest problem is with cracks in the planes' metal support beams, called longerons, that run the length of the aircraft, and make up the sill on which the canopy sits, Crosson told Military.com.


European production of the aircraft was reduced in October from 36 planes a month to 34, according to the International Association of Machinists.

按照国际机械师协会的说法,欧洲这种飞机的产量在 10 月份从每月 36 架下降到 34 架。

You land a million planes safely, then you have one little mid-air and you never hear the end of it ...


You land a million planes safely, then you have one little mid-air and you never hear the end of it ...


Naval Academy's midshipmen cheered as Blue Angels' planes flew over the commencement ceremony in Annapolis, Md., Friday.


Music is everywhere: in the streets, in planes, in restaurants, in buildings, in buses, in the subway…If you are lucky you will even see some workers building roads, with a live military band to stimulate......


Luggage loss can be due to theft, misrouting or the unscheduled changing of planes.


The complexes areneutral as shown by values of molar conductivity in aqueous solution, namely,〓 The crystal structure determinations show that, in complexes, metal ions werecoordinated by four nitrogen atoms and form slightly distorted square planar configuration,relationship between fluorene ring plane and coordination plane is similar to those betweenpeptide planes of β-folding in proteins. The complex molecules linked by hydrogen bonds formone dimension chain or two dimension network structure.


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Planes Fly
People Miss Planes
People In Planes
The Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Paper Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes
Lost Planes
Trains And Boats And Planes

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
