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The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae,an area of land with a meeting house,where all important events take place.


The common meeting place for Maori is on the marae, an area of land with a meeting house, where all important events take place.


Caused by disc brake on the brake Wheel Cylinder could not return to places 4 possible: First, 5 foot brake valve exhaust port blocking, high-pressure gas instinct platoon atmosphere, caused by gas-liquid master cylinder of the spring could not return to place, resulting in the system move oil, brake disc brake Wheel Cylinder Piston top dead and could not return to places; second is to the disc brake master cylinder gas-liquid pipeline blockage, resulting in brake Cylinder piston can not return to place; third master cylinder of the gas-liquid Spring itself can not return to position, brake fluid under high pressure gas can not return Axial pump to gas-liquid master cylinder reservoir chamber, resulting in brake Cylinder piston can not return to places; Fourth Wheel Cylinder piston disc brake system, due to moving fluid dirty or rusty card dead and can not return to the piston position.


It is no longer the place where Billy the white horse stood his ground, and where Stanley Matthews forced others to yield theirs; it's not the place where Jim Montgomery made his save, or where Ricky Villa made his mazy dribble, or where Elton John's uncle got crocked, or where Smith must score, or where some people were on the pitch: they thought it was all over, it was then.


The common meeting place fro Maori is on the mere, an area of land with a meetinghouse, where all-important events take place.


Cast, the number of hawks or falcons cast off at one time, usually a pair; cete, a company of badgers; covert, a flock of coots; covey, a family of grouse, partridges, or other game birds; drift, a drove or herd, especially of hogs; exaltation, a flight of larks; fall, a family of woodcock in flight; gam, a school of whales, or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea; kennel, a number of hounds or dogs housed in one place or under the same ownership; kindle, a brood or litter, especially of kittens; litter, the total number of offspring produced at a single birth by a multiparous mammal; muster, a flock of peacocks; nide, a brood of pheasants; pod, a small herd of seals or whales; pride, a company of lions; rout, a company of people or animals in movement, especially knights or wolves; school, a congregation of fish, or aquatic mammals such as dolphins or porpoises; shrewdness, a company of apes; skein, a flight of wildfowl, especially geese; skulk, a congregation of vermin, especially foxes, or of thieves; sloth, a company of bears; sord, a flight of mallards; sounder, a herd of wild boar; stable, a number of horses housed in one place or under the same ownership; swarm, a colony of insects, such as ants, bees, or wasps, especially when migrating to a new nest or hive; troop, a number of animals, birds, or people, especially when on the move; warren, the inhabitants, such as rabbits, of a warren; watch, a flock of nightingales; and wisp, a flock of birds, especially of snipe.

cast 指一次所放飞的鹰或隼的数目,通常为一对: cete,一群; covert 一群大鹋; covey,一群松鸡、石鸡或其它作猎物的鸟; drift,一群或一堆,尤指家猪; exaltation,一群云雀; fall,一群飞行中的丘鹬; gam,一群鲸或一伙捕鲸人,尤指在海上的; kennel,一群住在一起或属同一个人所有的猎狗或狗; kindle,一窝或一巢,尤指小猫: litter,一产多胎的哺乳动物一次所生的幼仔的总数; muster,一群孔雀; nide,一窝野鸡; pod,一小群海豹或鲸; pride,一群狮子; rout,一群在行进中的人或动物,尤指骑士或狼; school,一群鱼或水生哺乳动物如海豚或小鲸; shrewdness,一群猿; skein,一群猎鸟,尤指鹅; skulk,一群害兽或坏人,尤指狐狸或小偷; sloth,一群熊; sord,一群野鸭; sounder,一群野公猪; stable,住在同一处或属同一个人所有的一群马; swarm,一群昆虫,如蚂蚁、蜜蜂或黄蜂,尤指当它们迁往一个新的巢或蜂房时; troop,一群动物、鸟或人,尤指在行进中时; warren 养兔场的一群动物,如兔子; watch 一群夜莺; wisp 一群鸟,尤指鹬鸟参见同义词 crowd

However, the designers often put their attention on the communication place in the central part of the residential area, but neglect the social contact activities that take place in the neighborhood space.


Nursemaid ants look after eggs, larvae and pupae, moving them from place to place each day depending on the temperature.


The multiple unfolding that takes place is entirely dependent upon temporo-spatial overlapping, a continuous meeting in time and space, a sequence of events that must be precisely synchronized so that one phenomenon may act on another at the right time at the right place. The entire ontogenetic process must be seen as a precision schedule that determines the evolvement of a temporo-spatial pattern of interactions between cells and tissues.


But now the idea is catching on even in some out-of-the-way cities, with standards that vary from place to place.


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The Loneliest Place On The Map
Hand On The Place
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Some Place On Earth
Shut Up And Get On The Place
This Place Is On Fire
Comfortable Place On The Couch
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Softest Place On Earth

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
