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与 place on 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Place the house sponge on the cinder block and place the brick with the carpenter\'s sponge, sand paper and duct tape on top of the sponge.


The next Day after I came home to my Hutch with him, I began to consider where I should lodge him, and that I might do well for him, and yet be perfectly easy my self; I made a little Tent for him in the vacant Place between my two Fortifications, in the inside of the last, and in the outside of the first; and as there was a Door, or Entrance there into my Cave, I made a formal fram'd Door Case, and a Door to it of Boards, and set it up in the Passage, a little within the Entrance; and causing the Door to open on the inside, I barr'd it up in the Night, taking in my Ladders too; so that Friday could no way come at me in the inside of my innermost Wall, without making so much Noise in getting over, that it must needs waken me; for my first Wall had now a compleat Roof over it of long Poles, covering all my Tent, and leaning up to the side of the Hill, which was again laid cross with smaller Sticks instead of Laths, and then thatch'd over a great Thickness, with the Rice Straw, which was strong like Reeds; and at the Hole or Place which was left to go in or out by the Ladder, I had plac'd a kind of Trap-door, which if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have open'd at all, but would have fallen down, and made a great Noise; and as to Weapons, I took them all to my Side every Night.


The state of freedom which is one of the most famous monuments in the world is presented by france to american.the monumentist basol designed and spent 10years on it.it made of coper,and supported by a special steel framework.before it was transported to american,it must be took a place and a basement.the place is on a island of the entrance of the Newyork harbour.when 1884,a monument at a 151 feet heigh was stand up in pairs.at the second year,i was taken to pieses and transported to american.until at the end of novemeber in 1886,the state is made up and was officely presented to american.from that moment,the great monument is a sysmbol of freedom to the people which passed through newyork habour and made his homes in american.


When sitting comfortably place your left hand of the fingerboard and without depressing it place the second finger on the C on fifth string.


In net of public security bureau alarm substation director Qiao Zhi expresses: Economic progress needs social stability, the ability of economic environment society that has had develops, electronic business affairs also is same, need has a favorable social order, the be in charge on next our can active exploration nets is led, go the cost of the spot greatly reduce come down, this kind of be in charge on the net is led, it is to pass IP to be grasper, drive the administrative pattern of minute of district, the netizen this locality netizen and other place is apart, greatly reduced each alarm the thing should go the cost that the other place investigates.


And turning to his followers, he directed a party of them to go to the hut in the wood, which they had fixed on as a resting-place, and the officer on the Kirghiz horse (this officer performed the duties of an adjutant) to go and look for Dolohov, to find out where he was, and whether he were coming in the evening. Denisov himself, with the esaul and Petya, intended to ride to the edge of the wood near Shamshevo to have a look at the position of the French, where their attack next day was to take place.


In less than three hours, like a train of powder catching fire, the insurgents had invaded and occupied, on the right bank, the Arsenal, the Mayoralty of the Place Royale, the whole of the Marais, the Popincourt arms manufactory, la Galiote, the Chateau-d'Eau, and all the streets near the Halles; on the left bank, the barracks of the Veterans, Sainte-Pelagie, the Place Maubert, the powder magazine of the Deux-Moulins, and all the barriers.


In less than three hours, like a train of powder catching fire, the insurgents had invaded occupied, on the right bank, the Arsenal, the Mayoralty of the Place Royale, the whole of the Marais, the Popincourt arms manufactory, la Galiote, the Chateau-d'Eau, all the streets near the Halles; on the left bank, the barracks of the Veterans, Sainte-Pelagie, the Place Maubert, the powder magazine of the Deux-Moulins, all the barriers.

不到三个钟头,象一长串火药连续在延烧,起义的人便侵占了右岸的兵工厂、王宫广场、整个沼泽区、波邦古武器制造厂、加利奥特、水塔、菜市场附近的每一条街道,左岸的老军营、圣佩拉吉、莫贝尔广场、双磨火药库和所有8 tt t8.com 的便门。

Our Case, said he, Sir, is too long to tell you, while our Murtherers are so near; but in Short, Sir, I was Commander of that Ship, my Men have Mutinied against me; they have been hardly prevail'd on not to Murther me, and at last have set me on Shore in this desolate Place, with these two Men with me; one my Mate, the other a Passenger, where we expected to Perish, believing the Place to be uninhabited, and know not yet what to think of it.


That I ought to consider I had been fed even by Miracle, even as great as that of feeding Elijah by Ravens; nay, by a long Series of Miracles, and that I could hardly have nam'd a Place in the unhabitable Part of the World where I could have been cast more to my Advantage: A Place, where as I had no Society, which was my Affliction on one Hand, so I found no ravenous Beast, no furious Wolves or Tygers to threaten my Life, no venomous Creatures or poisonous, which I might feed On to my Hurt, no Savages to murther and devour me.


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The Loneliest Place On The Map
Hand On The Place
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Some Place On Earth
Shut Up And Get On The Place
This Place Is On Fire
Comfortable Place On The Couch
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Softest Place On Earth

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
