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One of the surgical pitfalls in the management of this condition is ossification of the dura mater in OLF.


Engagingly written and illustrated with scores of telling examples, this plainspoken how-to book for college writers identifies those qualities that most typically distinguish good writing from bad and provides practical measures for avoiding pitfalls.


Wikipedia has come to epitomize the Web 2.0 movement, with all its benefits and pitfalls.

维基百科作为Web 2.0运动的典型代表,既有长处也有短处。

If you dream of an old fashion bake house then you are in danger of running into pitfalls which will be revealed to you.


However, a little forethought can usually help you avoid these mistakes and pitfalls that many borrowers make.


It's all well and good us playing in that way, but there are pitfalls in World Cups, there are players who can win penalties and players who get the slightest touch and go down holding their face to get someone sent off.


I am far from glib about the economy. It has a lot of pitfalls facing it.


But leaving the comforts of a Hollywood soundstage does have its pitfalls; a hit-and-run accident of the nearby Pacific Coast Highway interrupted production one day, and there was no shortage of crows flying around the set and mucking up the sound.


The pitfalls of state worship were exposed by the political philosopher Leonard Hobhouse in a book published in 1918 entitled The Metaphysical Theory of the State.

政治哲学家伦纳德霍布豪斯在1918年出版的一本书里揭露了政府崇拜的弊端,书名叫做《形而上学的国家论》(The Metaphysical Theory of the State)。

But just as the private sector's adoption of new technology involved a number of pitfalls, some e-government ventures have been ill-starred.


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Scene Two He went to the boss cap in hand and asked for higher payment.


The method is accurate, reliable, and repeatable, suitable for the assay of the preparation and curcuma oil.


Talking to, or goading the opponent, failin g to obey the orders of the referee
