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与 pigmenting 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Specific pigmenting of VEGF was mainly in trophoblast, next in decidua and endothelial cell of capillary, the positive cell also could be observed in stroma.


The lymph nodes in the pigmenting area were cleared and examined to analysis the character of the lymph node metastasis.


The analysis of pigments contained in citrus flesh could elucidate the mechanism of citrus pigmenting, and create a theoretical basis for'pigmenting breeding'and development of colored local cultivars.


Three experiments were conducted:Experiment 1: Influence of a paprika extract supplementation on Egg yolk color in a wheat-based dietThis experiment was conducted to test the influence of AR, a paprika pigmenting additive, on egg yolk color in a wheat-based diet.


Part one concentrated on the forming of the regional characters of both pigmenting and ordinary qualities (including soluble solid and titratable acid content), SAS correlation analysis program was used to make clear the law of fruit pigmenting additionally.

研究分3个部分进行,第一部分利用聚类的方法探讨柑桔色泽品质的地域化特征,运用多元相关分析法分析果实的呈色规律;第二部分以迄今为止唯一呈粉红色的脐橙——红肉脐橙C.sinensis L.cv。

Because most of the chemosynthesis have adverse effects, itis important to seek natural edible pigments which have both pigmenting property,officinal and nutritional functions from natural propagations.


In addition, in both rind and flesh of Ponkan madarin, red pigmenting was in accordance with yellow pigmenting, whereas in Newhall, they were contradicted.


In the pigmenting area sigmoidocolic or rectal carcinoma, the lymph node metastasis rate were 52.5% and 29.5%.conclusionthe character of the lymph node metastasis in advanced large intestinal carcinoma was the distribution of from recent to distant, positive rate of from high to low.


Moulders have advised GBD that the structural performance of the moulding improves after foaming but FE analysis will be undertaken using the data for the solid material with allowance for pigmenting.

模具制造者建议 GBD 在材料膨胀后然后模具结构面相应做些改善,但是 FE 分析将会承担允许构造固体材的使用数据料。

Resultthe pigmenting area of sigmoidocolic carcinoma was sector from the bowel about 6~10cm of amphi-tumor to inferior mesenteric artery along mesentery.

结果 乙状结肠癌为一向心性扇形着色区,癌肿两端6~10cm肠段沿系膜至肠系膜下动脉区域;直肠上段癌着色区域分为三个部分,第一部分为癌肿两端3~6cm肠段以及沿肠系膜下动脉至腹主动脉分枝处,第二部分为盆底腹膜及部分膀胱表面腹膜,第三部分为髂血管区域。

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Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
