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We know the names of these tribes from Persian royal inscriptions and can add information from Herodotus and other Greek authors.
Of greatest importance were two which stood respectively under the protection of the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Kingdom as buffer states of those great powers against the sons of the desert: the realm of the Ghassanites in the Hauran, and that of the Lahmites, the centre of which was Hira, to the south of Babylon.
最重要的有两个,分别是站在保护下的拜占庭帝国和波斯王国的缓冲国对大国的儿子沙漠:境界的Ghassanites在Hauran ,而且也是Lahmites ,该中心是平川,南部的巴比伦。
The book has a Persian and even a Greek colouring, as is evidenced by the recurrence of such names as Bagoas and Holofernes.
Iranian boats take part in naval war game in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.
By traveling to Hormuz in the Persian Gulf and to Mecca, Zheng He brought Eastern culture to the edge of the western world.
Here, in this age, the Persian empire was humongous. It dominated nearly half of the world.
Too gentle and cautious to probe indelicately for his stories, Mr Pope is an excellent linguist (speaking fluent Persian, Turkish and Arabic), a good listener and a cultured observer.
It was based on worship of the god Mithras and derives from the Persian and Indic god Mithra and other Zoroastrian deities.
Persian philosophy can be traced back as far as Old Iranian philosophical traditions and thoughts, with their ancient Indo-Iranian roots.
The Persian word is a u-stem adjective from an Indo-Iranian root *magh "powerful, rich" also continued in Sanskrit magha "gift, wealth", magha-vant "generous".
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