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与 perplexing 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

However, low success rate of the construction of enterprise informatization project has been perplexing most enterprises all the time.


I put this on the intention to give her mother What is most perplexing.


The film's investigation into the collapse of WTC 7 is perhaps the most perplexing in the whole 9/11 story.

电影的调查,倒塌的世贸中心7日也许是最令人费解的,在整个9 / 11故事。

If you are true to yourself and live with integrity, honesty and without fear, then you will, perhaps, begin to see the answer to that most perplexing of questions:"Who am I?"


If you are true to yourself and live with integrity, honesty and without fear, then you will, perhaps, begin to see the answer to that most perplexing of questions:"Who am I?"


If you are true to yourself and live with integrity , honesty and without fear , then you will , perhaps , begin to see the answer to that most perplexing of question :" Who am I ?"


But the old goat to see the signature of the letter, the most perplexing.


Perhaps the most perplexing feature of these cases is that the overriding aim in all of them is the same good result , namely in the first group to save human suffering and in the second to save the mother ' s life .

也许,这些情况的最令人困惑的特点是,所有情况中之压倒一切的目的是同一好的结果[MS6] ,即在第一类情况中是避免人之痛苦,在第二类情况中是抢救母亲的生命。

Lamar Odom joined the Lakers in 2004, and sitting here in 2009 he is still the most perplexing individual on this roster.


Odom is the Lakers' great enigma, perhaps the most perplexing, confounding, frustrating player in the NBA.

奥多姆是湖人队的伟大的谜,也许是最令人费解的,混杂,令人沮丧的球员在 NBA 比赛。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
