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与 perpetual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tim. 6:5 Perpetual wranglings of men corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth, supposing godliness to be a means of gain.

提前六5 以及那败坏了心思,以敬虔为得利的门路,而失丧了真理之人无止境的争论。

Just as sending soldiers into combat is not intended to be a perpetual thing, but the soldier cycled in and then cycled out, weathermen and others in the know need to be cycled out.


Even when usurers were put to death and condemned to perpetual damnation, the practice couldn't be stamped out.

甚至当高利贷者提出了死刑,并谴责以永久damnation ,这种做法无法杜绝。

Whenever Tess lifted her head she beheld always the great upgrown straw-stack, with the men in shirt-sleeves upon it, against the gray north sky; in front of it the long red elevator like a Jacob's ladder, on which a perpetual


Whenever Tess lifted her head she beheld always the great upgrown straw-stack, with the men in shirt-sleeves upon it, against the gray north sky; in front of it the long red elevator like a Jacob's ladder, on which a perpetual stream of threshed straw ascended, a yellow river running up-hill, and spouting out on the top of the rick.


Seats are immediately filled up by early birds, and a perpetual line awaits around the corner. Many from afar carpooled in rental vehicles while some even arrived the night before and slept in trishaws.


Seats are immediately filled up by early birds, and a perpetual line awaits around the corner. Many from afar carpooled in rental vehicles while some even arrived the night before and slept in trishaws.


Many leave the table functions are furnished (Kisaragi phase, perpetual calendar, tourbillon, etc.) do not have this feature in fact.


We will ,as we have always done ,use our never-changing warmth to stick to the aim of "it is our perpetual pursuit to bring benefits to consumers" and forge ahead indefatigably.


4If I pursued only happiness and lived just for the moment, I'd be a poor husband and father, a no-account with a perpetual three-day growth on my chin.


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Perpetual Motion
The Way Of Perpetual Roads
Perpetual Black Second
Perpetual Motion Machine
Main Perpetual
Perpetual Motion
Oyster Perpetual
The Perpetual Self, Or 'What Would Saul Alinsky Do?'
Perpetual Change

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
