英语人>网络例句>perpetual 相关的网络例句

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与 perpetual 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hybrid tea roses are the result of crossing the Hybrid Perpetual with the Tea rose from China.


Then, in perpetual haste, he set off again to visit several cases in another part of his round, before teatime.


Nile River is the most perpetual flow in the world.


But because the laws, that are at once, and in a short time made, have a constant and lasting force, and need a perpetual execution, or an attendance thereunto; therefore it is necessary there should be a power always in being, which should see to the execution of the laws that are made, and remain in force.


It is also a climate of behavior set for perpetual summer and thermo...


They shall ask the way to Zion with their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to the LORD in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.

50:5 他们必访问锡安、又面向这堙B说、来罢、你们要与耶和华联合为永远不忘的约。

Thraldom to the Blessed Perfection is my glorious and refulgent diadem, and servitude to all the human race my perpetual religion ... No name, no title, no mention, no commendation have I, nor will ever have, except 'Abdu'l-Bahá.


This is a picture of Maurice Druon, the Honorary Perpetual Secretary of L'Academie francaise — the French Academy. He is splendidly attired in his 68,000-dollar uniform, befitting the role of the French Academy as legislating the correct usage in French and perpetuating the language. The French Academy has two main tasks: it compiles a dictionary of official French — they're now working on their ninth edition, which they began in 1930, and they've reached the letter P. They also legislate on correct usage, such as the proper term for what the French call "email," which ought to be "courriel." The World Wide Web, the French are told, ought to be referred to as "la toile d'araignee mondiale"— the Global Spider Web — recommendations that the French gaily ignore.

这是莫理斯图翁他是L'Academie francaise的荣誉终身院士–或称法兰西学术院他身穿价值六万八千美元的华丽院士服与他在法兰西学院的职责十分相称他的工作是负责规范法文的正确用法并确保法文永垂不朽法兰西学术院肩负两项使命:编纂官方版的法文字典–现在正在编第九版他们从1930年就开始了,现在编到字母P 这些人也规范语言的正确用法例如,法国人常说的伊媚儿"email"应该叫做电子邮件"courriel"而网际网路"World Wide Web"应该要称为"la toile d'araignee mondiale"–全球蜘蛛网种种法国人兴高采烈地忽略的建议

"The line -"You left and nobody used my name anymore– trenchantly indicates the latent danger of a woman's identity achieved through a love relationship: it suffers a perpetual lack of independence and only exists through the recognition and interaction of her beloved man, who has a more privileged and independent identity guaranteed by the patriarchy.


Concerning the spiritual aspect of the Trinidadian society,Naipaul writes that people there live in"perpetual shadow, crowded,choked,constricted and suffocated."


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Perpetual Motion
The Way Of Perpetual Roads
Perpetual Black Second
Perpetual Motion Machine
Main Perpetual
Perpetual Motion
Oyster Perpetual
The Perpetual Self, Or 'What Would Saul Alinsky Do?'
Perpetual Change

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
