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与 periodic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Double homoclinic loops; Resonant eigenvalues; Nontwist; Periodic orbit; Bifurcation; Periodic solution; Predator-prey system; Fixed point theorem; Coincidence degree; Delay; Functional response function


Under some conditions, by using Mawhin continuity theorem and degree theory, the existence of the periodic solution of the periodic neural network is proved.


For a continuous map of trees or graphs to itself, we show the properties that every isolated chain recurrent point is an eventually periodic point, and an isolated chain recurrent point which is not in the orbit of a critical point and has no critical point in its orbit is a periodic point.


By using the method of an abstract continuous theorem of k-set contractive operator and some analysis technique. Sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of at least one strictly positive periodic solution of periodic two-species Lotka-Volterra competition dynamics systems with neutral delay and several deviating arguments.


A sufficient condition is obtained to ensure the existence and uniqueness of almost periodic solution for MAM neural network with time-varying delays by way of exponential dichotomy and contraction map theorem. Moreover, the global exponential stability of the almost periodic solution for this type of MAM neural network is proved by using Halanay inequality.


The existence of periodic solutions for a class of impulsive differential equations of mixed type is studied by constructing periodic sequence solutions of difference equations.


What differ from that of the researchers in the past is the consideration of the direction of Hopf bifurcation with Dirichlet boundary condition , that is, the conditions when the Hopf bifurcation periodic solutions are orbitally asymptotically stable with asymptotic phase.Our basic idea come from the results given by Tang[30]. We adopt the method used by Hassard in the Hopf bifurcation theorem in [24], which is to judge the existence and the direction of Hopf bifurcation, and the stability of the Hopf bifurcation periodic solutions.


In Chapter 1, we use the upper and lower solutions method, the bootstrap technique and the Schauder fixed point theorem to investigate the existence of periodic solutions and the asymptotic behavior of general time-dependent solutions for periodic reaction-diffusion systems of the following three types:(1) Quasimonotone nondecreasing system;(2) Mixed quasimonotone system;(3) A nonquasimonotone 2-system. The boundary conditions are assumed to be either the Dirichlet condition or linear Robin conditions.


PartⅡ,Applying the developed and extended direct algebraic methods that presented in recent years and based on the 2+1 dimensional variable separation solutions,abundant Jacobi elliptic function doubly periodic waves and periodic propagating wave patterns for many 2+1 dimensional nonlinear wave models are obtained,and in long wave limit solitary waves are derived as well.


Firstly, we consider SIQR epidemical models with continuous and pulse vaccinations; the reproduction numbers have been obtained for those models; by using Dulac function, we prove the global stabilities of equilibrium of SIQR model with continuous vaccination. In the SIQR epidemical models with pulse vaccinations, we have also discussed the existence of the infection-free periodic solution, the global stabilities of the infection-free periodic solutions, and the effectiveness of pulse vaccination and continuous vaccination policies has been compared for the two models.


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