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与 periodic 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The electric potential oscillation including periodic oscillation,quasi- periodic oscillation and turbid oscillation of carbon steel/H2SO4+ K2Cr2O7/Pt system has been studied.


It is demonstrated that the system can exhibit unstable periodic 3 3 motion bifurcated from periodic 1 1 motion on the resonance condition, and the transition from subharmonic impacts to chaos is disscussed.

分析并证实了碰撞振动系统在此共振条件下可由稳定的周期 1 1振动分叉为不稳定的周期 3 3振动,讨论了亚谐振动向混沌运动的演化过程

It introduces partial fractions of meromorphic functions, product developments of entire functions, Hadamard's theorem, Riemann Zeta functions, Poisson-Jensen's formula; elliptic functions, including simply periodic functions and doubly periodic functions; algebraic functions and algebroid functions, Riemann surface, Nevanlinna theory, including characteristic functions, the first and second fundamental theorems, growth orders, etc; complex differential equations and complex functional equations, etc.

具体为:亚纯函数的部分分式、整函数的无穷乘积展开、Hadamard定理、Riemann Zeta函数、Poisson-Jensen公式;椭圆函数,包括单周期函数、双周期函数;代数函数和代数体函数、Riemann曲面简介;Nevanlinna理论简介,包括特征函数、第一和第二基本定理、增长级等;复微分方程和复函数方程,等等。在教学内容上充分体现基础性、新颖性。

In order to prove the existence of the periodic boucing solutions, firstly we will introduce a new coordinate transformation, transform the system from right half plane to the whole plane. And give the relation of the eigenvalues of Hill's equation and the rotation numbers, using this approach and Pioncar -Birkhoff twist theorem, we proved the existence of the periodic bouncing solutions for asymptotical linear oscillator.


Set pitch or low frequency surge can bring the roulade of the periodic change to the volume. To set the low frequency surge or controller can bring quaver. And set the both can make the timbre bring periodic rocky purpose. We edit out the percussion timbre that adapts the musical style and character, during the editing course, the percussion timbre is decided by our musical understanding.


The positive periodic solution of functional differential equation with infinite delay is deeply concentrated these years, some scholars study this subject by means of Lyapunov theorem, Schauder fixed point theorem, and cone extending and compression theorem (from thesis -[5]), and they obtain the existence theorem of positive periodic solution.


According to this algorithm, it is shown that the bifurcated periodic solutions through Hopf bifurcations at the first critical value of delay are orbitally asymptotically stable on the center manifold and the bifurcated periodic solutions through Hopf bifurcations at other critical values of delay are unstable.


On the basis of state space model of system dynamics, the decomposition of periodic term and trend term in the time series of both power demand and Gross Domestic Product are carried out respectively, and it is discovered that there is a strong correlativity between the periodic term...


Invariant Manifold: An unstable periodic orbit in a Hamiltonian system (a general class of differential equations which includes the three body problem) have associated two families of orbits forming tubes connected to the periodic orbit.


The boundedness of system is proved by the comparative theme of impulsive differential equation, and the local stability of trivial or semi-trivial positive periodic solution (prey annihilation periodic solution) is tested.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
