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Effusive–constrictive pericarditis is an uncommon pericardial syndrome that may be missed in some patients who present with tamponade.


To review and analyze the clinical data of 171 cases of the intra-pericardial pneumonectomy.


To summarize the experience of surgical resection of intra-pericardial pneumonectomy of lung cancer at the middle or late stage.

目的 总结171例心包内处理肺血管全肺切除治疗中晚期肺癌的外科手术经验。

CT has a great value in the observation of normal pericardium and pericardial disease. Pericardium ; Tomography, X-ray computed ; Radiometry

0例心包病变者,男 15例,女 5例,年龄 30~ 89岁,平均 5 5 。6岁,所有病例均由CT扫描作出诊断,并经心包穿刺细胞学和手术病理证实,其中心包积液 11例,缩窄性心包炎 6例,心包转

The bovine pericardial valves usually do not need anticoagulant therapy after implantation, but they are progessively failured in the heart and require reimplantation 5-10 years after their initial implantation.


Toxic symptom of embryo was body curvature,body atrophy,body deformity and pericardial tumefaction.


Methods Select and pitch xiphisternum bottom or cardiac apex department, paracentesis pericardii according to seldinger method and extended Central venous catheter drainage, drain Pericardial effusion, after drainage, Take the Central venous catheter for germs culture, analyse and evaluate possibility and safety of the treatment from etiology angle.


No Ⅲ° atrioventricular conduction block happened, 9 patients developed right bundle branch block, and 2 patients showed junctional rhythm. Two patients with perimembranous extending outlet were repaired because of residual shunt(0.4cm,0.3cm) on the anterosuperior rim of defect. One patient with trivial residual shunt(0.15cm) on the posteroinferior rim of defect was found closed spontaneously six months later. Tricuspid valve was incised in 10 patients of VSD sextending outlet,8 patients vertical to the valve ring,2 patients parallel to the valve ring. Moderate tricuspid valve regurgitation was found in 1 patient, mild in 5 patients, trivial in 4 patients. No one aggravated. One patient complicated with pericardial effusion.


Serious SES is presented an edema of face and all over,non blood fluid draining out of the needle hole,the wound not healing desiredly with fluid oozing unexpectedly,or pleural effusion on both sides,or pericardial effusion.


sick euthyroid syndromeshould be often found in patients with critical trauma,but it is commonly confused ses with retention of fluid in third space after fluid resuscitation or with lowed colloid osmotic pressure as result of hypoproteinemia in the clinic.serious ses is presented an edema of face and all over,non blood fluid draining out of the needle hole,the wound not healing desiredly with fluid oozing unexpectedly,or pleural effusion on both sides,or pericardial effusion.the pathogenesis of ses is incompletely understood.the inflammatory cytokines are generally accepted as an important pathogenic factor of ses.

甲状腺功能正常性病变综合征(sick euthyroid syndrome,ses)在危重创伤患者中并不少见,严重者表现为颜面及全身肿胀,针眼可见持续的非血性液体流出,伤口渗液较多不易预期愈合,双侧胸腔积液或心包积液等。临床上常与液体复苏后的第三间隙液体潴留、低蛋白血症致胶体渗透压降低等的临床表现相混淆,很容易被忽略。其发病机制还不十分清楚,众多的研究首先考虑的致病因素是炎性因子。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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