英语人>网络例句>perceived 相关的网络例句

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与 perceived 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The goals of this study includes to get the picture of E-magazine in market, to discuss the characters of its consumers, to find out product perceived attribute, and to analysis those important factors affecting E-magazine consumers.


Therefore there must be in the objects perceived the substratum which represents time in general.


From this we see how clearly Smith in general perceived that the condition of nations is principally dependent on the sum of their productive powers.


In other contexts, when used in earnest, it may be perceived as a superfluous variant for person.

在其它的上下文中,当用于严肃的场合时,它可以被视作是person 不必要的变体。

He perceived the Surprize, and immediately pulls a Bottle out of his Pocket, and gave me a Dram of Cordial, which he had brought on Purpose for me; after I had drank it, I sat down upon the Ground; and though it brought me to my self, yet it was a good while before I could speak a Word to him.


Stress is defined as the perceived prominence of one or more syllabic elements over others in a word.


Tb condition is undoubtedly present in the child during the fir years of its life. It therefore seems to me more probable that tl archetypal form of the divine syzygy first covers up ar assimilates the image of the real parents until, with increase consciousness, the real figures of the parents are perceived often to the child's disappointment.


It is true that he was harsh to none of us, but I perceived that he tacitly condemns us.


Mr Karzai is a Pushtun, a member of Afghanistan's largest ethnic group, and Dr Abdullah is perceived as a Tajik (though he is actually half Pushtun).


Much will depend on perceived need vs demand for strategic strike tasking.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
