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与 penance 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And they blasphemed the God of heaven, because of their pains and wounds, and did not penance for their works.


They are to repress as heretics, however, by means of the church's censures and even if necessary by calling in the help of the secular arm, those of them whose hearts have become hardened and who are unwilling to return to penance.


A series of compendiums known as penitential books was prepared to assist priest - confessors in determining appropriate penance for various individual sins.

一系列的汇编称为悔罪书准备协助神父-c onfessors确定适当的忏悔的各种个人的罪孽。

The ministry of the Society consists chiefly in preaching; teaching catechism, especially to children; administering the sacraments especially penance and the Eucharist; conducting missions in the parishes on the lines of the Spiritual; directing those who wish to follow those exercises in houses of retreat, seminaries or convents; taking care of parishes or collegiate churches; organizing pious confraternities, sodalities, unions of prayer, Bona Mors associations in their own and other parishes; teaching in schools of every grade - academic; seminary, university; writing books, pamphlets, periodical articles; going on foreign missions among uncivilized peoples.

内政部社会构成,主要是在说教;教理讲授,尤其是儿童的情况;治国圣礼特别是忏悔和圣体圣事;进行特派团在该教区于字里行间的精神;引导那些希望仿效这些演习在房子的务虚会,修道院或修道院;照顾教区或合议教堂;组委会虔诚confraternities , sodalities ,工会的祈祷,真正的基准协会,在他们自己和其他教区;教学在学校的每一个年级-学术;修院,大学;写作书籍,小册子,期刊文章;正在进行外国使团之间的不文明人民。

The ministry of the Society consists chiefly in preaching; teaching catechism, especially to children; administering the sacraments especially penance and the Eucharist; conducting missions in the parishes on the lines of the Spiritual; directing those who wish to follow those exercises in houses of retreat, seminaries or convents; taking care of parishes or collegiate churches; organizing pious confraternities, sodalities, unions of prayer, Bona Mors associations in their own and other parishes; teaching in schools of every grade - academic; seminary, university; writing books, pamphlets, periodical articles; going on foreign missions among uncivilized peoples.

内政部社会构成,主要是在说教;教理讲授,尤其是儿童的情况;治国圣礼特别是忏悔和圣体圣事;进行特派团在该教区於字里行间的精神;引导那些希望仿效这些演习在房子的务虚会,修道院或修道院;照顾教区或合议教堂;组委会虔诚confraternities , sodalities ,工会的祈祷,真正的基准协会,在他们自己和其他教区;教学在学校的每一个年级-学术;修院,大学;写作书籍,小册子,期刊文章;正在进行外国使团之间的不文明人民。

And are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making him a mockery.


Explicit instructions for the confessor are found in the statutes of Alexander, Bishop of Coventry (1237), especially in regard to the manner of questioning the penitent and enjoining penance.

明确指示,为忏悔被发现在章程亚历山大主教,考文垂( 1237 ),尤其是在对于讯问的方式,在忏悔,并责令忏悔。

Aware that he has to control his lower passions and withstand the assaults of the evil spirit and seductions of the world, it not only permits, but enjoins, the practice of penance, while by the virtue of prudence which it inculcates, it prevents excess.

知道他已经控制其较低的激情和抵御攻击的邪恶的精神和seductions的世界,它不仅许可证,但责成,实践penance ,而由美德,为慎重起见,它inculcates ,它可以防止过剩。

Is this some miserable form of penance that pries grace from God's fingertips?


Faithful to the rule of penance, they retrenched nothing from the austere practices of their holy state.


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The Pirate Of Penance
The Man Who Would Be King
Translating The Name
Of Lillies And Remains
Funeral Thirst
Little Bombs
Laser Cannon Deth Sentence

"Bird Man's Diary, Butting on the Love Island", Changsha, China


As long as they were in the service of a family of wizards, their magic would remain dormant.


It was time to hold a court and the subject for discussion was the future of that prisoner.
