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与 pebble-strewn 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The article analyzes several factors influenced the compaction effect of gravel pebble mixture,and mainly analyzes the influence on the gradation of grain,compaction function,grain breakage and material unevenness,in order to ensure service life and service quality of highways.


The stroke reverse circulation drilling machine of CZF2000-1800 type is produced by our company newly to adapt to the demand of percussion drill market due to the development of road and bridge industry, it is specializedly used for pore forming of pebble and gravel stratum and hard stratum.


The organisation wants to award a prize to cartoons on the theme "sand, pebble and gravel"(industrial materials, extraction and application).


The ZOOMLION KSD25 Dry-Wet Horizontally directional Drill is the first drill which drills through hard rock without a bentonite and mud pump. Its pneumatic percussive technology has not only solved the problem of mud pollution, but also has increased its efficiency 40% higher than a normal drill. Additionally, its cost is also much lower, and therefore, it has been considered as a most efficient solution for complicated stratum (including pebble and gravel, backfill and rock).

中联KSD25干湿两用水平定向钻孔机是我国第一台不使用膨润土和泥浆马达就能在硬岩中钻进并导向的钻机,其国际领先的气动冲击钻机技术不但不存在泥浆污染的问题,而且效率比普通钻机提高40%以上,成本也要低廉得多,被公认为目前对付复杂地层(包括卵砾石、回填土和岩石地层)最为有效的方法。2 s# C J, k5 _% C

Different fillers for wetlands are chosen by comparison and then matched, the following filler matching is achieved aiming at different influent: for wastewater with low nitrogen concentration and medium or high organic matter concentration, better removal efficiency is attained by combined fillers of coal cinder + pebble stone + gravel; for wastewater with high nitrogen concentration and low organic matter concentration, the optimum combination is fly ash brick crumbs + gravel.


Compared with gravitational method, the accuracy of TDR in de- termination of bulk moisture content on the Tibetan Plateau is:± 2.5% for silt and fine grained sand,±3.0% for clay and sandy clay and ±5% for gravel and pebble soils.


A sprawling pebble-covered bed.


Therefore it is likely that all or much of this area was originally "pebble-dashed".


I wonder why the house was built like that, sideways-on, turning a pebble-dashed windowless white end-wall to the road; perhaps in former times, before the railway, the road ran in a different orientation altogether, passing directly in front of the front door, anything is possible.


The Palm Pre won't be out for several months yet, but that isn't stopping a few clever hackers from working out how to boot Android onto the pebble-shaped slider.

可能Pre还要好几月才能发布,不过这也无法阻挡一些聪明的黑客(不知道聪明是指系统水平高呢还是可以搞到Pre的各个主要配件搭起系统)开始着手把Android搞到去年月发布的OMAP 3芯片上去启动。

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Pebble To A Pearl
Take A Pebble
Pebble Road

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
