英语人>网络例句>peak 相关的网络例句
与 peak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furthermore, the process of proportion resistance in the feedback circuit is changed, and the change of sampling voltage with sampling resistance is compensated with resistor. The impact of environment temperature on loading capacity and peak current is reduced.


This burst waveform has benefits compared to a continuous wave emission in that the laser peak power can be very high for measuring long distances, yet the average power can be kept low for eye safety. And more, the pre-amplified optical receiver possessing temperature compensation and feedback resistance noise compensation is designed which is based on the noise spectrum density theory of silicon avalanche-photodiode.


Theheight of the peak was found to increase with the content of δ-ferrite in the specimens.


The program can defragment drives manually, or fully automatic in the background, keeping your system at peak performance by avoiding build-up of file fragmentation.


Results: The expression level of Brn-4 mRNA started to increase on the 3rd day after fimbria fornix transaction. The peak appeared on the 14th day , and then the expression decreased slowly to pre-transection level on the 28th day.

结果:海马内Brn-4 mRNA的表达量在切割后第3 d开始升高,14 d达到最高水平,随后下降,28 d左右恢复至正常水平。

Results: The expression level of Brn-4 mRNA started to increase on the 3rd day after fimbria fornix transection.The peak appeared on the 14th day,and then the expression decreased slowly to pre-transection level on the 28th day.

结果:海马内Brn-4 mRNA的表达量在切割后第3 d开始升高,14 d达到最高水平,随后下降,28 d左右恢复至正常水平。

Results: the expression level of lhx8 mrna started to increase from the 3rd day after fimbria fornix transection. the peak appeared on the 7th day, and the expression decreased slowly to pre-transection level on the 28th day.

结果:海马内lhx8 mrna的表达量在切割后第3 d开始升高,7 d时达到最高水平,以后逐渐下降,于28 d时恢复至正常水平。

Know the successful truth on the horse, what should do next is hilltop of race to control, each mountain peak of the big hill that makes those fireweed fascicular grows our small grass.


Firn of peak throughout the year, year average air temperature is in - left and right sides of 9 ° C.


This paper points out that as the peak of the first order wind spectrum situated at a region of very low frequency, the contribution of the sum_frequency part to the second order wind spectrum is no longer negligible.


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A Peak You Reach
Widows Peak
Lover's Peak
Lunch Break: Peak Hour
On Peak Hill

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
