英语人>网络例句>peak 相关的网络例句
与 peak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to" Technique Standards of Steel High Building" of China regarding human comfort and the background of Longtan shiplifting pylon, the peak acceleration of tailwind and beam wind and torsion acceleration at the top of the pylon were calculated in this paper.


According to " Technique Standards of Steel High Building " of China regarding human comfort and the background of Longtan shiplifting pylon , the peak acceleration of tailwind and beam wind and torsion acceleration at the top of the pylon were calculated in this paper .


India 's equities were due for a fall, having reached valuations of over 28 times earnings at their peak. But the bearishness may also reflect a deeper concern that India's remarkable run is coming to an end.


During the following decades,"the Ecole of des Beaux-Arts"had achived a great deal of development and gradually reached its peak in academic research and teaching.


Chinese bee have two fly peak, critical flight int...


"The recent announcement of Light Peak technology by Intel and supporting statements by Sony show that optical interconnect is no longer just a niche technology for high-end servers and super computers, where it is already used," said Jesper Bek, CEO of IPtronics.

"拥有 2mm 的超薄尺寸以及每 10Gb/s 通道 135mW 的低功耗,Avago 所开发的嵌入式光学引擎非常适合小型化空间受限的应用,而这正是电子计算和消费类电子产品的基本要求。"安华高科技光纤产品事业部资深副总裁兼总经理 Philip Gadd 指出。

In the method,the position of the bell-like optoelectronic pulse peak signal from a coordinator gyroscope was accurately measured,and the position was used as time reference to measure the phase.


It measures accurately the peak value of the bell-like optoelectronic pulse signal come from coordinator gyro rotor ,which is used for the time standard in phase measurement.


It measures accurately the peak value of the bell-like optoelectronic pulse signal from coordinator gyro rotor , which is used for the time standard in phase measurement.


Interestingly, this season we will have no less than three Italian attempts for winter firsts; Simone La Terra is already in Pakistan headed for Nanga Parbat; Simone Moro will set out for Broad Peak after Christmas; while Nives Meroi, Romano Benet and Luca Vuerich will attempt Makalu together with yet unconfirmed Kazakh climbers.

有趣地是,今年冬季将至少有三名意大利人尝试这些山峰的冬季首登。Simone La Terra已在巴基斯坦蓄势待发向南迦帕尔巴特峰顶冲击;Simone Moro圣诞节后出发进军布特阿特峰;Nives Meroi、Romano Benet、Luca Vuerich及尚未确定的哈萨克登山运动员组队尝试攀登马卡鲁峰。

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A Peak You Reach
Widows Peak
Lover's Peak
Lunch Break: Peak Hour
On Peak Hill

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
