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与 peak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The FTIR of lignin-based polyhydric alcohol shows new characteristic peak of carbonyl is formed and the characteristic peak of aromatic ring and polyether at 1600cm-1 and 1110cm-1 respectively, which induce there is linkage of chemical bond.


When the first peak in business nutrilite with excellent cooperation, rehabilitation peak at the meeting said 1: we really predestiny.


We have previously proposed a quadratical constraint based method,referred to as integrated peak sidelobe control,which can precisely control the peak sidelobes and produce stable mainlobe shapes of adaptive beampatterns.


Their left ventricular diastolic function such as E wave ratio,E peak decrase velocity and left ventricular peak filling rate were significantly increased than that of pre-treatment,while indexes relative to A wave remarkedly decreased.


Among the 45 neurons generating phasic firing, 8 (17.78﹪) neurons could still be induced phasic firing after treatment with 1×10-2 μg/mL SVHRP and 37 (82.22﹪) neurons had no responses to the stimulation. The AP firing of neurons was dramatically different after treatment with SVHRP (P<0.01, n=45). Among the 7 repetitive firing neurons, all of them could only generate 1 or 0 AP instead of repetitive firing when SVHRP was applied. The number of APs was 14.57±1.00 and 0.57±0.20 before and after SVHRP treatment (P<0.01, n=7). The AP rheobase was (75.10±8.99) pA and (119.85± 12.73) pA before and after 1 × 10-4 μg/mL SVHRP application, respectively (P<0.01,n=8). The AP threshold was increased from (-41.17±2.15) mV to (-32.40±1.48) mV after 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP treatment (P<0.01,n=8). The peak amplitude of AP was (68.49±2.33) mV for the neurons before treatment with 1×10-4 μg/mL SVHRP and (54.71±0.81)mV after treatment (P<0.01, n=8). These results showed that SVHRP could decrease the AP firing frequency, increase the AP rheobase and threshold, but decrease the AP peak amplitude of hippocampal neurons.

在产生位相放电的45个细胞中,有8个细胞在SVHRP处理后仍可以诱发出位相放电(占17.78﹪);37个细胞在SVHRP处理后无法诱导出位相放电(占82.22﹪),SVHRP处理后动作电位的产生与处理前相比,有显著差异(P<0.01,n=45);在产生重复放电的7个细胞中,在1×10-2μg/mL SVHRP作用后均不能再次诱发出重复放电,而是产生一个动作电位或不再产生动作电位,药物处理前产生的动作电位个数为14.57±1.00,SVHRP处理后产生动作电位的个数为0.57±0.20,二者之间有显著性差异(P<0.01,n=7)。1×10-4 μg/mLSVHRP处理后,诱发动作电位产生的基强度由(75.10±8.99)pA增加到(119.85±12.73)pA(P<0.01,n=8);阈电位由(-41.17±2.15)mV升至(-32.40±1.48)mV(P<0.01,n=8);动作电位峰值由(68.49±2.33)mV下降至(54.71±0.81)mV(P<0.01,n=8)。

It is found that,in a first-order differential Raman spectrum,almost all noise peaks are confined within a narrow horizontal band-like region with the base line going through its middle,whereas thesignal peaks shoot up and down much far beyond the region.Based onthis property,a new peak searching method with the aid of first-order differentiation is suggested.In this paper,a R_spectrumpeak labelling program for SPEX 1403 laser spectrometer with DMIBcomputer is reported.The result of peak labelling sho...

作者提出了用一阶导数谱辅助求 Raman 光谱峰值的新方法,较好地解决了谱峰与噪音的识别问题;编制了 SPEX_(1403)激光 Raman 光谱的标峰程序,具有10种不同大小尺寸的绘图功能、9种不同的字号供标峰选用,操作分为自动、半自动和手动三种方式,具有用于图注、实验条件说明的打字,存、取及复制标峰谱图等功能,克服了一般标峰过程中常见的弊病,标峰效果满意。

Under confused sea condition, the structures may subject to very strong w ave impulsive 1oad due to slamming by the wave with significant crest when waves propagate underneath the structure and surge up to its subface. Previous studies indicate that impact pressures are characterized by an initial peak pressure of considerable magnitude but of short duration occurs, followed by a slowly-varying uplift pressure of less magnitude but of considerable duration, and which typically is first positive, then decreases to zero and becomes negative, In hostile sea state, the peak pressures may cause the damage of the horizontal members of the structures or make the whole superstructure collapsed.


To evaluate the LDL particle size and subfraction pattern and their association with coronary heart disease in Chinese population, a case-control study was conducted. Using the agarose-acrylamide composite gradient gel electrophoresis, LDL peak particle diameter was determined in 105 subjects with angiographically verified coronary artery disease and 103 matched healthy controls. Two LDL subfraction patterns were identified by the LDL peak particle diameter.


The results showed that 22.5μL/L of clove leaf oil had the best preservation effect on peach. After 35 days of stock, the sound fruit rate was 94%, 46.9% higher than compared group. The rotten index and the browning index were 94.1% and 85.2% lower than the control, respectivly, and the treatment could remarkablely reduce the respiration rate and ethylene release, and postponed ethylene release peak and respiration peak 5 and 10d, respectively in comparison with CK, it also delayed the drop of firmness and contents of titrable acids of the peach. When stored for 35d, firmness of control group and 22.5μL/L of clove leaf oil were decreased 60% and 34% compared with initial storage, and the activities of SOD, CAT and POD were enhanced, but the contents of SSC had no obvious difference with control.


Objective: To observe the effect of septoplasty and partial turbinectomy on the peak flow of nose, and to evaluate the value of the peak flow of nose in the diagnosis of the nasal chronic diseases.


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A Peak You Reach
Widows Peak
Lover's Peak
Lunch Break: Peak Hour
On Peak Hill

The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
