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与 peak 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Peak Tram whisks you to The Peak.


The evening tours generally include use of the Star Ferry across the harbor, or by the Peak Tram to reach Peak, the Victoria Harbor overlooks the enchanting night.


General of the night tour, including by the Star Ferry across the harbor, or take the Peak Tram on Victoria Peak, overlooking Victoria Harbor, the charming night.


There near the Cultural Center, Science and Technology Museum, etc., and then to the Tsim Sha Tsui Pier (the end of the Avenue of Stars, where there is a clock tower) ferry ride to the Wan Chai Convention and Exhibition Center, and then walk to the Garden Road (along the route could be walking on the street), take the Peak Peak Tram Tour, down to Central after shopping.


Lo Wu border crossing, the train and get off until the Tsim Sha Tsui East, toured the Avenue of Stars, Science and Technology Museum after the public ferry (in Tsim Sha Tsui East, where the Clock Tower Pier) to the Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai, visit the Convention and Exhibition Center, sit or walk to the Admiralty MTR, and then walk on the road to the Garden Road Peak Tram ride to the Peak Tour, then to Central shopping, this is enough time one day, and finally back to Tsim Sha Tsui East will take a train back to Lo Wu.


The peak to peak voltage of this signal can be reduced down to 60mV.


In calculating and the simulating the polarizing laser energy attenuation, the solved electric circuit could examine the response electric current peak-to-peak value relation which was caused by the laser when the weakened polarization is biggest and the laser is weakest. The survey requirements were satisfied when the laser angular resolution is 30°.


The peak-to-peak output voltage of a transmitter is 18 27 V.


In this position the tension of the captured signal on the tuned circuit was measured as a peak-to-peak voltage, by means of a Oscilloscope .


When the peak-to-peak drive voltage of the transducer is 120 V,average of the results obtained using the proposed method and the radiation force method are 5.09 W and 6.06 W,respectively,with a difference of 16%.


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A Peak You Reach
Widows Peak
Lover's Peak
Lunch Break: Peak Hour
On Peak Hill

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
