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与 patriarchs 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Farr be it, that I should write thee sin or blame, Or think thee unbefitting holiest place, Perpetual Fountain of Domestic sweets, [ 760 ] Whose bed is undefil'd and chaste pronounc't, Present, or past, as Saints and Patriarchs us'd.


God's promises to Abraham and the rest of the patriarchs find their unique fulfillment in Christ (Acts 3: 25-26), though in a limited sense any godly king who sat on David's throne fulfilled the Abrahamic covenant cf.

上帝的承诺,到亚伯拉罕与其余的patriarchs找到自己独特的圆满,在基督(使徒3: 25-26 ),尽管在有限的意义上的任何神圣国王,他们就坐在大卫的宝座,实现了亚伯拉罕盟约

Patriarchs . Thus the name of Abraham was known in those ancient times; for amongst other Canaanitish or Amorite names found in deeds of sale of that period are those of Abi-ramu, or Abram, Jacob-el, and Josephel.

因而称之为亚伯拉罕被称为在那些远古时代,因为除了其他canaanitish或amorite名字发现的先进事迹,出售该时段内这些录像ramu ,或亚伯兰,雅各布-下午,并josephel。

Pope Hormisdas sent legates to reconcile the patriarchs and metropolitans, and every bishop was forced to sign, without alteration, a petition in which he accepted the faith which had always been preserved at Rome, and condemned not only the leaders of the Eutychian heresy, but also Zeno's time-serving bishops of Constantinople, Acacius and his successors.

教皇卡尔米斯达斯发送legates调和始祖和大城市,每一个主教被迫签订,没有改建,一份请愿书,他接受了信仰一直保存在罗马,并谴责不仅领导人的Eutychian异端邪说,但还芝诺的时间服务君士坦丁堡的主教, Acacius和他的继任者。

54 Is not only much more systematically presented in these older writings, but gives ample evidence of a continuous cabalistic tradition; inasmuch as the mystic literature of the geonic period is only a fragmentary reproduction of the ancient apocalyptic writings, and the saints and sages of the tannaic period take in the former the place occupied by the Biblical protoplasts, patriarchs, and scribes in the latter.


Paul to the rank growth of legend respecting the Patriarchs, etc., such as we find in the "Book of Jubilees" and in the "Haggada".

更何况这个词可用於由圣保禄的排名增长尊重始祖传说等,如我们发现在&周易Jubilees &和

It contains a haggadic treatment of the history of the Patriarchs as well as of the history of Israel in Egypt, ending with the institution of the Passover, based on Gen.


In our desire that these canons be faithfully observed, since it is right for us to be interested in what concerns the christian state, we place a strict obligation on the said patriarchs, primates, archbishops and bishops, in order that they may be able to render to God a worthy account of the office entrusted to them, that they order the canons, councils and synods to be observed inviolably, notwithstanding any privilege whatsoever.

在我们的愿望,这些准则得到切实遵守,因为它是正确的,我们有兴趣关心的基督教国家,我们严格的义务表示始祖,灵长类动物,大主教和主教,以便使他们能够使上帝值得帐户厅委托给他们,他们命令炮,理事会和主教会议应遵守inviolably ,尽管有任何特权的。

Meanwhile the three patriarchs (of Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem), finding little to do among their diminished flocks, for long periods came to live at Constantinople, idle ornaments of the Phanar.

另外三个patriarchs (亚历山大,安提及耶路撒冷),找到与己关系不大,他们之间缩水成群,长时期来住在君士坦丁堡,闲置首饰的

The most remarkable peculiarity consists in the chapter headings or titles, such as ("Instruction as to Shame"),("Rules for Proper Deportment at Table"), and ("Hymn of the Patriarchs"), although in the Greek version these rubrics were regarded as scribal interpolations.


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